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Inaugurated as a Professor at UPH, Prof. Agus Budianto Addresses Society’s Readiness for Criminal Law Implementation
Prof. Dr. Agus Budianto, S.H., M.Hum., the Head of the Master of Law Program at UPH, was officially inaugurated as a Professor in Law on Thursday, July 27, 2023. During the inauguration ceremony, Prof. Agus delivered an academic speech
titled “Lex Dura Sed Ita Scripta: Assessing Society’s Preparedness for Criminal Law 2023”. His research focused on society’s readiness for the implementation of Law No. 1 of 2023, which will take effect in January 2025.
Prof. Agus explained that he chose this topic based on thinking framework: the imperfect legislative regulation system in Indonesia; the high crime rate in the country; the management of correctional institutions in Indonesia; and the widespread, systematic, and massive structured group violence that has become a cultural norm in Indonesia.
In conclusion, Prof. Agus expressed his hope that he could contribute input to the formulation of the KUHP of 2023, which he believed as yet to fully embrace the “spiritual atmosphere” of Indonesian society.
With the presence of Prof. Dr. Agus Budianto, S.H., M.Hum as a Professor in the field of Law at UPH, it demonstrates the quality of educators at UPH who continually support the advancement of legal knowledge to remain relevant in today’s society. Read more
   UPH Rector - Inaugurated Prof. Dr. Agus Budianto as Professor in Law

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