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UPH Career Talks: Insights on Transforming
Passion into a Business by David Soong!
   Career Talk UPH - with David Soong, Founder of Axioo Photography, Sweet Escape, and Boga Group
Career Center and Corporate Relations (CCCR) at the UPH invited David Soong, a successful entrepreneur behind Axioo Photography, Sweet Escape, and Boga Group, to share
tips with UPH students on starting a business based on their passions. The seminar, themed ‘Turn Your Passion into a Worldwide Business,’ held on September 5, 2023, at UPH Lippo Village Campus.
Three tips from David Soong are: get out of your comfort zone and dare to take a step; ready to find solutions to overcome 1001 problems; and willing to start small, confident and consistent.
“Believe in starting small, start with what you have, give all your hearts and time. I believe that success requires effort commensurate with the results. I hope that today’s young generation aspiring to start a business doesn’t feel inferior or afraid. Try to identify exciting problems to solve. With small steps, we can start and achieve our dreams. Everything is possible; it just takes time,” David conveyed his message. Read more
 UPH and MPK Establish Partnership to Support Education Transformation in 3T Regions
 As the higher education institution committed to comprehensive education development in Indonesia, UPH continues to build partnerships with various stakeholders. This commitment is demonstrated through initiatives such as participation in the National Church and Education Conference 2023, organized by the Council of Christian Education
(Majelis Pendidikan Kristen/MPK) and the Indonesian Church Association (Persatuan Gereja-Gereja di Indonesia/PGI) on July 25-26, 2023, in Jakarta.
During the event held at Penabur International School on July 26, 2023, UPH and MPK signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) concerning the Transformation of Education and Christian Schools in Indonesia. The MoU was signed by UPH Rector Dr. (Hon.) Jonathan L. Parapak, M.Eng. Sc., and Chairman of MPK Handi Irawan, MBA, M.Com.
This collaboration aims to increase the number of Christian teacher graduates and enhance the quality of Christian schools in the least developed regions (daerah 3T - Terpuruk, Tertinggal, dan Terlupakan).
In addition to the MoU signing, MPK also formed a 3T Task Force and appointed UPH’s Rector as an Advisor. Through this 3T Task Force, UPH, along with Yayasan Pendidikan Pelita Harapan (YPPH), will play a role in improving the quality of education in Christian schools in the eastern part of Indonesia. Readmore
  UPH and MPK - Establish Partnership to Support Education Transformation in 3T Regions

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