Page 8 - UPH Achievements 2022
P. 8

    LECTURE & ALUMNI PROFILE Dedication to the
Advancement of Accounting in Indonesia
According to Wijaya, accounting sector will always have bright prospect since it is one of the fundamental pillars of business. Technological advancements will indeed significantly transform accounting practices. However, it will not entirely replace the role of accountants. The human role in applying knowledge, interpretation, and analysis remains paramount in the accounting world. Read more
Contributing to Alma Mater through Alumni Association
Being part of the IKA leadership team is something Stefanie never imagined. She sees this as a calling to serve her fellow UPH alumni, and the future generations to
come. It’s not about positions, titles, or prestige, but rather about answering the call to serve and build a community that grows together while upholding UPH’s core values and mission. Read more
  Dr. Wijaya Triwacananingrum - Head of the UPH Accounting
  Dr. Stefanie Hartanto, S.H., M.Kn. - Chairperson of the UPH Alumni Association (IKA) 2023-2028

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