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The need for marketers to understand why consumers act as they do in the marketplace is the crux of this subject. Students are equipped with theoretical and conceptual knowledge of consumer behaviour, drawing heavily on both psychological and sociological viewpoints. This includes the psychology of individual decision-makings, patterns of behaviours exhibited by aggregate groups of consumers, and also the sociological and cultural influences on consumer attitudes and behaviours.
Strategic Marketing Management course covers the various marketing strategy elements and their integration. Focus of this course will be upon developing the students’ abilities to apply various principles and theories to specific problems. This course is encouraging a practical approach to strategy, students engage in interactive problem solving and contemporary case analysis.
In this course, students examine how a favorable brand and memorable brand experiences can influence a firm’s ability to withstand competitive pressures and thrive in dynamic market conditions. They will study brand management from the consumers’ perspectives to highlight the importance of customers perceptions in bringing brands to life and the role of brand knowledge in building brand equity. Students will become acquainted with cutting-edge frameworks, concepts and tools that have been adopted across industries and around the globe to build lucrative brand franchises.
UPH - Graduate Program
The course focuses on the theoretical basis and practical approach to the management of stocks and fixed income in investment portfolios. The course objective is to acquaint students with the theoretical foundation of modern portfolio theory, major groups of investors and their investment objectives and constraints, and for providing students with important practical skills in investment management.
This course examines the valuation of fixed-income securities, the market operations and management of risk. Topics include: valuation of bonds, term structure of interest rate, measuring and managing interest rate risk, corporate bond market, passive and active bond portfolio management, performance measurement, securitization and interest rate derivatives.
The purpose of this course is to provide a comprehensive analysis on the properties of options and futures and to offer a theoretical framework within which all derivatives can be valued and hedged. Topics covered: simple arbitrage relationships for forward and futures contracts, hedging and basis risk, stock index futures, swaps, trading strategies involving options, valuation of options using a binomial model and the Black‐Scholes formula, financial engineering and security design.