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Mission of the International Teachers College (ITC)
The International Teachers College (ITC) is a ministry of Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) that equips future teachers with international standard content and research-based best practices within a distinctively Reformed theological framework.
Our goal is to produce teachers who contribute effectively to the educational development and
enterprise in their local countries, to the glory of God and as a blessing to the nations through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Academic Programs
Graduates receive accredited Bachelor of Education degrees from UPH (Indonesia) and Corban University (USA). Students may choose either Primary Education or Secondary English Education as their major. All students also receive a minor in Bible and theology.
Tuition and Fees
The cost to study at the ITC is similar to that of other international universities in Asia, but only a fraction of the cost of universities in the USA or Canada. The basic cost for tuition, ITC Dormitory lodging, food, uniforms, and books
is approximately $8,100 (USD) per year, plus transportation, student visa, and health insurance. Students may request other on-campus housing options for an additional fee.
University-to -Work Scholarship
The Universitas Pelita Harapan Foundation (YUPH) sponsors the ITC University-to-Work Program that generously covers the cost of attendance for qualified students who are willing to serve for three years as a teacher in one of the Foundation’s Christian schools in Indonesia immediately following the completion of the ITC academic program.