P. 2

  Medical Informatics
Focus on improving the communication, analysis, knowledge, and management of medical information, integrating data, knowledge, and technology for effective and accurate medical decisions.
   Areas of Specialization
  Software Engineering
Gain expertise in advanced software engineering techniques, including distinctive programming languages, big data management, distributed systems, cloud technology, web app development, and frontier technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT).
       Computational Data Science
Develop skills in programming, computational statistics, large- scale data processing, data mining, data visualization, data analytics, and machine learning to address big data challenges.
        Course Distribution
Intelligent & Interactive Application (Game Programming)
Acquire game programming logic and design skills, combining competencies in software engineering, computational intelligence, and user interface design.
5% Social/Community Issue & Impact
60% Data Management, Software Development & the Application
in Real World
10% Virtual Machine 5% Hardware World
20% Algorithmic & Computer Science Foundation

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