Page 3 - UPH Achievements 2022
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UPH Strengthen Relations with Industry Partners through Company Gathering
   Career Center & Corporate Relations UPH - Organized Company Gathering on June 14, 2023
President Joko Widodo has emphasized at the Indonesian Rector Forum Conference that universities should facilitate student learning from practitioners and industry
players. This is necessary to ensure that every graduate possesses relevant skills and can face various disruptions.
In support of the government’s efforts, UPH as a higher education institution consistently strives to produce excellent graduates who are ready to contribute to the industry. Therefore, UPH Career Center and Corporate Relations (CCCR) organized a Company Gathering on June 14, 2023, at UPH Lippo Village Campus in Tangerang. The event was attended by leaders and Human Resource representatives from more than 55 partner companies of UPH from various business sectors. This activity aims to build stronger relationships between UPH and industry partners, explore potential collaboration opportunities, as well as provide opportunities for the younger generations to contribute to the workforce.
In conjunction with this event, UPH’s CCCR also signed cooperation agreements with five companies, namely PT Nusa Satu Inti Artha PT Nusa Satu Inti Artha (DOKU), PT Bank Mandiri (Persero), Tbk., PT Astra Sedaya Finance (ACC), PT Prodia Widyahusada, Tbk., and PT Indomarco Prismatama (Indomaret Group). Read more
 UPH Faculty of Law Partners with Monash University
  Faculty of Law UPH - Partners with Monash University through MULIA Alliances
Committed to providing internationally recognized higher education, UPH Faculty of Law entered a partnership with Monash University’s Faculty of Law in Australia, through the
Monash University Law Indonesia Alliance (MULIA). The formal signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for this partnership took place on Friday, July 14, 2023, at the Lippo Village Campus in Tangerang.
The MoU was signed by Monash University Faculty of Law Associate Dean Professor Jean Allain and UPH Faculty of Law Dean Dr. Velliana Tanaya, S.H., M.H. The event was attended by Monash University Faculty of Law Deputy Associate Dean Dr. Nadir Hosen, UPH Law Study Program Head Dr. Vincensia Esti Purnama Sari, S.H., and other fellow faculty members from UPH.
The partnership encompasses several aspects, including the exchange of information and research opportunities; organization of workshops, conferences, and academic discussions; provision of training programs and short courses; student and faculty exchange; as well as professional development programs for academic staff.
UPH Faculty of Law is committed to providing quality legal education through an innovative learning curriculum. The faculty equips students with problem-solving skills, preparing them to tackle real-world challenges. Additionally, UPH Law actively engages in partnerships with diverse institutions, both within the country and abroad. Read more
   UPH NEWS | JULY - AUGUST 2023 3

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