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   Atotal of 31 Diploma of Pharmacy (D3) graduates of Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) successfully passed the Pharmacy Technicians Competency Assessment (UKTTK), organized by the Association of Indonesian Pharmaceutical Diploma Education (APDFI) and the Indonesian Pharmaceutical Expert Association (PAFI).
UPH Pharmacy Diploma (D3) Graduates Achieved a 100% Pass Rate in the Pharmacy Technicians Competency Assessment (UKTTK)
By successfully passing the UKTTK, UPH graduates will obtain a certificate of competence, which is a requirement for the Registration Certificate for Pharmacy Technicians (STRTTK). This achievement is a testament to the quality of UPH Pharmacy D3 graduates who have competencies that are in accordance with governmental standards. Read More
Kemendikbudristek RI Inaugurated Prof. Diena M. Lemy as Professor of UPH Tourism Services Management
Professor Diena is the third professor of tourism in Indonesia.
During the inauguration ceremony, Prof. Diena delivered a scientific oration titled “Acceleration of Environmental Sustainability in Tourism Villages Through Local Wisdom and Digital Transformation.” She encourages tour operators to use local wisdom and the power of digital transformation to maintain a prosperous culture and environment under theguidanceofenvironmentalsustainability standards. Read More
   Dean of the Faculty of Tourism, Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH), Prof. Dr. Diena Mutiara Lemy, A.Par.,
M.M., CHE., was inaugurated as Professor of Tourism Services Management on Thursday, October 21, 2021, by the Decree of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemendikbudristek RI). The field of tourism was recognized as an independent study in Indonesia in 2008. Currently, there are three professors in the field of tourism, and

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