Kelas Karyawan

Kelas Karyawan – Program Sarjana (S1) Universitas Pelita Harapan

Kami menyediakan Program Sarjana S1 untuk Kelas Karyawan bagi Anda yang ingin melanjutkan kuliah sambil bekerja. Program ini di fasilitasi dengan metode M-Flex Learning yang akan mendukung proses perkuliahan menjadi lebih fleksible.

Hubungi kami melalui WhatsApp atau Email.

Tentukan pilihan Anda dan hubungi kami untuk mendapatkan penawaran terbaik:

Program Studi Kelas Karyawan:

  • Ilmu Komunikasi (S1)
  • Hubungan Internasional (S1)
  • Hukum (S1)
  • Teknik Elektro (S1)
  • Teknik Industri (S1)
  • Keperawatan (S1 + NERS)
  • Psikologi (S1)
  • Informatika (S1)
  • Sistem Informasi (S1)
  • Manajemen Perhotelan (Sarjana Terapan)
  • Usaha Perjalanan Wisata (Sarjana Terapan)

Proses Pendaftaran Kelas Karyawan


Dokumen-dokumen Wajib:

  • Scan ijazah dan transkrip SMA/SMK yang telah dilegalisir asli atau asli;
  • Scan ijazah dan transkrip Diploma (bila ada) yang telah dilegalisir asli atau asli;
  • Scan KTP dan KK asli;
  • Pas foto terbaru berwarna ukuran 3x4cm (dengan background berwanra merah: wanita, biru: pria);
  • Surat Keterangan aktif bekerja di perusahaan (menggunakan kop surat).
  • Formulir pernyataan admisi dan keterangan bebas narkoba.

Dapatkan Harga Spesial untuk Perusahaanmu.

Kami menyediakan penawaran terbaik untuk Paket Grup Perusahaan yang dapat dijadikan referensi bagi pengembangan edukasi karyawan anda. Silahkan hubungi kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut dengan mengisi form yang terdapat dilaman ini.

E-Brochure Kelas Karyawan

kelas karyawan

We offer S1 Kelas Karyawan for those who would like to continue studying while working. This program is facilitated by M-Flex Learning method which will help the learning process to be more flexible.

Contact us via WhatsApp or Email.

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Study Programs Offered.

Find the program that suits you best and contact us to get the best offer for our S1 Kelas Karyawan.

Communication Sciences

Undergraduate (S1)

Communication Sciences Study Program was founded in 1995, with alumni spread across Indonesia, with 2 areas of specializations:

  1. Strategic Digital Marketing Communication
  2. Strategic Digital Corporate Communication
Corporate Communication will enable you to design an excellent marketing message delivery strategy and execute it through multiple platforms, from events to social campaigns in order to achieve corporate goals. Corporate Communication can also maintain the relations in companies and government institutions through effective internal communication, between managers and employees, and externally, between organizations and parties such as consumers, investors, mass media, shareholders, communities and other government institutions.

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International Relations

Undergraduate (S1)

S1 International Relations Kelas Karyawan is a program offered by UPH International Relations Study Program with 'A' accreditation by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT). It aims to equip students with practical knowledge and skills to engage in international trade. The learning process is carried out online (full-online learning) through synchronous and asynchronous activities supported by Moodle online platform. The lectures will be held on Thursday and Friday nights and Saturday morning to evening.

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Undergraduate (S1)

S1 Law Study Program was founded in 1996, accredited 'A' since 2002 until now. Its leading concentration is Business Law, offering courses that are relevant to the needs of business in society including Investment Law, Corporate Law, Bankruptcy Law, Business Competition Law, Capital Market Law, Banking Law, Real Estate Law , Contract Law, Intellectual Property Rights, etc.

The concept offered in Kelas Karyawan is to equip a professional to further explore legal knowledge and rules related to their field of work or expertise, especially those related to Business Law, such as knowledge and skills in designing business contracts, designing rules (legal drafting), compiling legal opinions related to legal problems faced in the field of work or expertise.

Alumni of the Law Study Program are spread throughout Indonesia and abroad, working at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Indonesian Parliament, Law Firm, Notary Offices, Companies, etc.

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Electrical Engineering

Undergraduate (S1)

UPH Electrical Engineering Study Program is one of the approximately 10% of the top electrical engineering study programs in Indonesia with 'A' accreditation by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT). It offers a curriculum that is focused on the implementation of electrical engineering in the Industrial 4.0 era supported by qualified lecturers and excellent learning facilities and infrastructure.

Learning will be held online and face-to-face. Online learning will be held both synchronously and asynchronously which is supported by modern platforms such as Moodle, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom. Meanwhile, face-to-face learning is supported by classrooms, laboratories, and offices in UPH Lippo Village Campus. Practices and face-to-face sessions are held in the evenings of Monday-Saturday.

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Industrial Engineering

Undergraduate (S1)

Our Industrial Engineering Study Program will equip you with various skills to describe, evaluate, design, modify, control, and improve the performance of complex systems while upholding sustainability, continuous improvement, and system integration. These comprehensive skills are highly valued in today's business enterprises. Thus, if you are keen to analyze and formulate abstract models to improve complex systems, or to address the role of the human decision-maker in all of the skills mentioned, then Industrial Engineering program is the right choice for you.

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Undergraduate (S1) + NERS

UPH Nursing Study Program is a learning community that produces competent, professional nurses who are equipped with true knowledge guided by faith and demonstrate divine character. Nurses will be prepared to deal with the global, rapidly changing health nursing needs, both in the national and international settings. The learning community is developed through excellent, holistic, and transformational education.

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Undergraduate (S1)

Psychology Study Program, founded in 2005, has alumni spread across Indonesia. Currently, it has 3 specializations:

  1. Industrial and Organizational Psychology
  2. Counseling and Clinical Psychology
  3. Educational Psychology
Its career opportunities includes becoming an entrepreneur, working in NGOs, government agencies, human resources and recruitment departments, hospitals and others.

The concept offered in the Industrial and Organizational Psychology Kelas Karyawan focuses on improving the quality of work with an understanding of leadership, management, and employees. Graduates will be equipped with practical applications to improve work environment conditions for leaders and employees.

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Undergraduate (S1)

The Informatics Study Program, founded in 1999, has alumni spread across Indonesia. Currently, the Informatics Study Program specializes in Computational Data Science. The future career for Informatics graduate is very promising, both in private and government companies. Our program seeks to equip private & government employees across the country by providing Informatics online learning.

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Information System

Undergraduate (S1)

Information Systems Study Program, founded in 1994, has alumni spread across Indonesia. Currently, the Information Systems Study Program has 2 areas of specialization:

  1. Business Data Analytics
  2. Web & Mobile Development
All companies in various fields need the implementation of information technology solutions, whether related to policies, business processes, or the people. The future career for Information Systems graduate is very promising, both in private and government companies. Our program seeks to equip private & government employees across the country by providing Information Systems online learning.

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Hospitality Management

Undergraduate (S1)

An exclusive curriculum tailored to accommodate the needs of Hospitality & Tourism Practitioners who wishes to broaden their insights, knowledges, and managerial skills and gain a professional bachelor degree (Sarjana Terapan, S.Tr.Par) in Hospitality & Tourism. The Hospitality Management's Integrated Curricullum enables students to initiate, innovate and think strategically in the increasing complexity of hospitality industry.

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Interdisciplinary Study of Music Education and Therapy

Undergraduate (S1)

A program designed for workers who want to gain insight into the science of music teaching and music therapy. The ISMET curriculum provides students with an understanding of the world of music teaching pedagogy and entrepreneurship in the world of music education, or about the world of music, health, and wellness. Students will be equipped with holistic and eclectic knowledge of music, education, and health to be able to answer the needs of the industry.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec iaculis fringilla ultrices. Nunc venenatis fringilla consectetur. Maecenas sit amet lacus eu justo ornare pretium. Maecenas consectetur massa erat, varius porttitor ante porta in. Curabitur faucibus ut lorem non ultrices. Mauris nunc ligula, malesuada id dictum tincidunt, condimentum accumsan mi. Aliquam scelerisque diam quis ultrices cursus. Mauris vel sem lorem. Etiam interdum neque at libero suscipit, non viverra orci tempor. Fusce dictum lacinia eleifend. Duis scelerisque quam eros, in eleifend ligula consequat id.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris imperdiet, dolor quis viverra egestas, ante risus laoreet dolor, sed fringilla nisi lacus eu massa. Morbi blandit, lacus nec porttitor egestas, elit sem consequat massa, et mattis erat purus ultricies nisl. Vestibulum dignissim nisl quis molestie bibendum. Pellentesque scelerisque lorem nec pretium ullamcorper.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec iaculis fringilla ultrices. Nunc venenatis fringilla consectetur. Maecenas sit amet lacus eu justo ornare pretium. Maecenas consectetur massa erat, varius porttitor ante porta in. Curabitur faucibus ut lorem non ultrices. Mauris nunc ligula, malesuada id dictum tincidunt, condimentum accumsan mi. Aliquam scelerisque diam quis ultrices cursus. Mauris vel sem lorem. Etiam interdum neque at libero suscipit, non viverra orci tempor. Fusce dictum lacinia eleifend. Duis scelerisque quam eros, in eleifend ligula consequat id.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris imperdiet, dolor quis viverra egestas, ante risus laoreet dolor, sed fringilla nisi lacus eu massa. Morbi blandit, lacus nec porttitor egestas, elit sem consequat massa, et mattis erat purus ultricies nisl. Vestibulum dignissim nisl quis molestie bibendum. Pellentesque scelerisque lorem nec pretium ullamcorper.

Pharmacy (D3)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec iaculis fringilla ultrices. Nunc venenatis fringilla consectetur. Maecenas sit amet lacus eu justo ornare pretium. Maecenas consectetur massa erat, varius porttitor ante porta in. Curabitur faucibus ut lorem non ultrices. Mauris nunc ligula, malesuada id dictum tincidunt, condimentum accumsan mi. Aliquam scelerisque diam quis ultrices cursus. Mauris vel sem lorem. Etiam interdum neque at libero suscipit, non viverra orci tempor. Fusce dictum lacinia eleifend. Duis scelerisque quam eros, in eleifend ligula consequat id.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris imperdiet, dolor quis viverra egestas, ante risus laoreet dolor, sed fringilla nisi lacus eu massa. Morbi blandit, lacus nec porttitor egestas, elit sem consequat massa, et mattis erat purus ultricies nisl. Vestibulum dignissim nisl quis molestie bibendum. Pellentesque scelerisque lorem nec pretium ullamcorper.

Applied Communication Sciences

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec iaculis fringilla ultrices. Nunc venenatis fringilla consectetur. Maecenas sit amet lacus eu justo ornare pretium. Maecenas consectetur massa erat, varius porttitor ante porta in. Curabitur faucibus ut lorem non ultrices. Mauris nunc ligula, malesuada id dictum tincidunt, condimentum accumsan mi. Aliquam scelerisque diam quis ultrices cursus. Mauris vel sem lorem. Etiam interdum neque at libero suscipit, non viverra orci tempor. Fusce dictum lacinia eleifend. Duis scelerisque quam eros, in eleifend ligula consequat id.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris imperdiet, dolor quis viverra egestas, ante risus laoreet dolor, sed fringilla nisi lacus eu massa. Morbi blandit, lacus nec porttitor egestas, elit sem consequat massa, et mattis erat purus ultricies nisl. Vestibulum dignissim nisl quis molestie bibendum. Pellentesque scelerisque lorem nec pretium ullamcorper.

International Relations

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec iaculis fringilla ultrices. Nunc venenatis fringilla consectetur. Maecenas sit amet lacus eu justo ornare pretium. Maecenas consectetur massa erat, varius porttitor ante porta in. Curabitur faucibus ut lorem non ultrices. Mauris nunc ligula, malesuada id dictum tincidunt, condimentum accumsan mi. Aliquam scelerisque diam quis ultrices cursus. Mauris vel sem lorem. Etiam interdum neque at libero suscipit, non viverra orci tempor. Fusce dictum lacinia eleifend. Duis scelerisque quam eros, in eleifend ligula consequat id.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris imperdiet, dolor quis viverra egestas, ante risus laoreet dolor, sed fringilla nisi lacus eu massa. Morbi blandit, lacus nec porttitor egestas, elit sem consequat massa, et mattis erat purus ultricies nisl. Vestibulum dignissim nisl quis molestie bibendum. Pellentesque scelerisque lorem nec pretium ullamcorper.

Industrial Engineering

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec iaculis fringilla ultrices. Nunc venenatis fringilla consectetur. Maecenas sit amet lacus eu justo ornare pretium. Maecenas consectetur massa erat, varius porttitor ante porta in. Curabitur faucibus ut lorem non ultrices. Mauris nunc ligula, malesuada id dictum tincidunt, condimentum accumsan mi. Aliquam scelerisque diam quis ultrices cursus. Mauris vel sem lorem. Etiam interdum neque at libero suscipit, non viverra orci tempor. Fusce dictum lacinia eleifend. Duis scelerisque quam eros, in eleifend ligula consequat id.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris imperdiet, dolor quis viverra egestas, ante risus laoreet dolor, sed fringilla nisi lacus eu massa. Morbi blandit, lacus nec porttitor egestas, elit sem consequat massa, et mattis erat purus ultricies nisl. Vestibulum dignissim nisl quis molestie bibendum. Pellentesque scelerisque lorem nec pretium ullamcorper.

Electrical Engineering

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec iaculis fringilla ultrices. Nunc venenatis fringilla consectetur. Maecenas sit amet lacus eu justo ornare pretium. Maecenas consectetur massa erat, varius porttitor ante porta in. Curabitur faucibus ut lorem non ultrices. Mauris nunc ligula, malesuada id dictum tincidunt, condimentum accumsan mi. Aliquam scelerisque diam quis ultrices cursus. Mauris vel sem lorem. Etiam interdum neque at libero suscipit, non viverra orci tempor. Fusce dictum lacinia eleifend. Duis scelerisque quam eros, in eleifend ligula consequat id.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris imperdiet, dolor quis viverra egestas, ante risus laoreet dolor, sed fringilla nisi lacus eu massa. Morbi blandit, lacus nec porttitor egestas, elit sem consequat massa, et mattis erat purus ultricies nisl. Vestibulum dignissim nisl quis molestie bibendum. Pellentesque scelerisque lorem nec pretium ullamcorper.

Registration Process.

Required Documents.

  • Scan of original document or legalized SMA/SMK certificate and transcript;
  • Scan of original document or legalized Diploma certificate and transcript (if any);
  • Scan of KTP (ID Card) and KK (Family Card/Document).
  • The latest colored 3x4cm photo (with red background for female and blue background for male);
  • Working statement from the company (with letterhead);
  • Admission statement form and drug-free statement

Frequently Asked Questions.

Registration to UPH can only be done through the UPH Online Admission System by visiting our website at

There is; the Entrance Examination is the registration path intended for:

  • Prospective Students who enroll in Faculty of Nursing
  • Prospective Students who are deemed necessary to take the Entrance Examination by the UPH Marketing and Admission Department.

The time needed to graduate and obtain a Bachelor Degree from UPH is 3.5 years for High School graduate and 2.5 years for Diploma graduate.

If the prospective students have not paid the tuition fee. Prospective students can buy a new registration form and choose the desired study program.
If the prospective students have paid the tuition fee. Prospective students can apply for a change major by selecting the Change Major menu found in the Registration Account they have, then fill out and upload the Change Major Form. If the application is approved, then the prospective students will be informed the amount of the outstanding fees that become the financial obligations of prospective students or the amount of deposit funds owned by prospective students. The applicable Tuition Fee is the Tuition Fee offered when the Major Change Application submitted by prospective students.

Yes, please contact us at +62 812 8603 3380 or for more information.

The choice of payment methods to pay the Tuition Fee can be access through

UPH collaborates with many national and international companies, industries and institutions. For example, UPH collaborates with every company under Lippo Group and Orang Tua Group.

Get Your Company a Special Price.

We provide the best offer for Corporate Packages that can be used as a reference for your employee education development. Please contact us for more information by filling in the form on this page.

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