Mempersiapkan Generasi Muda
Galeri Investasi UPH membantu mengembangkan pemahaman tentang dunia investasi pasar modal. Mahasiswa memiliki kesempatan belajar dari para ahli dan praktisi industri profesional tentang saham di pasar modal, teori keuangan, serta pemodelan keuangan. Dengan demikian Galeri Investasi UPH dapat menjadi salah satu pilar untuk mencetak investor yang unggul dan mendorong pertumbuhan investasi di Indonesia.

Mitra Kami
Kami Bekerja Sama dengan Industri Terkemuka
PT Sucor Sekuritas didirikan di Surabaya pada tahun 1989, dengan reputasi sebagai salah satu perusahaan terkemuka di broker ekuitas dan keuangan serta perbankan investasi. Dengan rekam jejak yang sempurna selama 30 tahun, Sucor Sekuritas berupaya membangun dan mendukung pasar modal Indonesia. Galeri Investasi UPH bekerja sama dengan Sucor Sekuritas untuk membantu para investor pemula siap terjun ke dunia investasi pasar modal.
Cerita mereka yang meraih sukses bersama kami
Galeri Investasi UPH sangat bermanfaat bagi mahasiswa yang memiliki minat dalam berinvestasi namun tidak mengetahui cara berinvestasi dengan baik dan benar. Di sini saya banyak belajar tentang dunia investasi melalui berbagai kegiatan dan mentor-mentor yang sudah berpengalaman di bidang investasi.
Lie Jasen
Sebelum masuk ke Galeri Investasi UPH, saya seringkali mendasarkan keputusan investasi saya pada saham apa yang sedang populer. Namun berkat Galeri Investasi UPH saya diajarkan untuk selalu berusaha mencari tahu kondisi ekonomi dan perkembangan perusahaan sebelum berinvestasi.
Alexander Gelfand Panjaya
Our Partners
UPH SparkLabs Incubator works with many experienced partners to help mentoring new startups which are members of UPH SparkLabs Incubator.
Our Partners
Those who work together with us
Aktivitas Kami
Preparing the Young Generations
UPH Investment Gallery is an organization to prepare the students of UPH to understand how to invest in the capital market

Our Partner
We Collaborate with the Best in the Industry
PT Sucor Sekuritas was established in Surabaya in 1989, with a reputation as one of the leading companies in equity and finance brokerage as well as investment banking. With an impeccable track record of 30 years in the industry, Sucor Sekuritas strives to build and support the Indonesian capital market. UPH Investment Gallery collaborated with Sucor Sekuritas to help new investors start in the world of capital market investment.
The stories of those who are growing big together with us
UPH Investment Gallery is very useful for students who have an interest in investing but do not know how to invest properly and correctly. Here, I learned a lot about the world of investment through activities at the UPH Investment Gallery and from mentors who are experienced in the investment field.
Lie Jasen
Before entering the UPH Investment Gallery, I often based my investment decisions on what stocks were popular. However, thanks to the UPH Investment Gallery I was taught to always try to find out about the economic conditions and the development of companies before investing.
Alexander Gelfand Panjaya
Our Partners
UPH SparkLabs Incubator works with many experienced partners to help mentoring new startups which are members of UPH SparkLabs Incubator.
Our Partners
Those who work together with us
Our Activities
: | investment.gallery@uph.edu |
Telepon | : | +(62)21-546-0901 |
: | @uph_investmentgallery | |
TikTok | : | @uph_investmentgallery |