UPH Awarded as the Best ISS MBKM Implementer at Diktiristek Awarding Night.

Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) was named the Best Institutional Support System for Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka (ISS-MBKM) League 2 University for Kampus Merdeka Competition Program (PKKM) at the 2022 Diktiristek Award Night. This annual event, sponsored by the Directorate General (Dirjen) of Higher Education, Research, and Technology at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), is a prestigious recognition for Higher Education Institutions (LLDIKTI), journalists, media, and partners who have contributed to the transformation of higher education through MBKM.?
The ISS-MBKM is an institutional program aimed at strengthening MBKM governance and facilitating the implementation of Kampus Merdeka. During the awarding event that was held on December 15, 2022, a total of 397 awards in 11 categories were given to 144 recipients.??
The Acting Directorate General of Higher Education, Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM., ASEAN. Eng. explained that the awarding event was an appreciation to Higher Education Service Institutes (LLDIKTI), including universities, media, and partners (ministries, institutions, and industries) that have contributed to supporting the higher education transformation through MBKM.?
“Collaboration will be crucial in implementing the necessary transformations for higher education, to cultivate adaptive, creative, innovative, and ethical human resources. One of the ways to achieve this is through the MBKM program, which has already engaged 180,000 students, with an additional 250,000 participants joining independently. Our shared objective is to prepare the next generation with the skills and resilience required to tackle the ever-evolving challenges of tomorrow,” expressed Nizam.?
UPH received the award for its dedication to recognizing the importance of quality assurance and information system support in the implementation of MBKM at the university level. Eric Jobiliong, Ph.D., UPH Associate Provost for Academic and Innovation, accepted the award on behalf of UPH and praised the UPH PKKM implementation team, faculties, study programs (Prodi), and support units for their tireless efforts.?
Eric Jobiliong, Ph.D., UPH Associate Provost for Academic and Innovation, accepted the award on behalf of UPH at the 2022 Diktiristek Award Night at the Sultan Hotel Jakarta.?
“Praise be to God for this Diktiristek award. This award is a recognition of UPH’s commitment to ensuring quality assurance and information system support in implementing MKBM across the university. All our facilities and support units have worked collaboratively to develop independent MBKM activities. We are delighted with the award and extend our heartfelt appreciation to the UPH PKKM implementation team, faculties, study programs (Prodi), and support units who have devoted their time and efforts to provide invaluable assistance,” Eric expressed.?
The UPH ISS-MKBM program serves as an integrated information center for MBKM@UPH, providing detailed information about MBKM implementation regulations and guidelines. This program provides an avenue for information dissemination, student recruitment for MBKM DIKTI Program, and an integrated reporting system.?
To win the award, UPH had to go through a series of selection stages, including assessment and selection based on data collection that measures the performance of universities, LLDIKTI, and institutional partners from ministries, businesses, and industries.?
According to Prof. Tjitjik Srie Tjahjandarie, Dra., Ph.D., Plt. Secretary of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture, the Diktiristek Award is an annual event to acknowledge the performance of higher education stakeholders in building excellent human resources who can contribute to the good of society and the nation. She hopes that the award will inspire higher education professionals to keep improving their performance in implementing higher education, research, and technology programs and policies.?
In the future, UPH will continue to develop ISS-MBKM program implementation operationally, with integration into the system, to benefit the students in preparing them to be excellent future leaders. UPH will also actively participate in various innovative Diktiristek programs to contribute to the advancement of education in Indonesia.?