Gastronomy Club.

Gastronomy Club is a club proposed by Pelita Harapan University Hospitality Management. The Gastronomy Club was formed with the target of providing knowledge through various skill activities that can hone the abilities of each member.


  • Make the Gastronomy club an interactive organization that can collaborate to create new colors and opportunities in the culinary industry.


  • Provide opportunities for members to develop talents in the culinary field.
  • Motivate members of the organization to be actively involved in organizational activities that aim to train self-ability
  • Improving the quality of the organization consistently for both students and organizations.
  • Maintain good communication between fellow members and outside the organization.
  • Opening oneself to all inputs from all aspects in order to make the organization run better.
  • Masterclass by Gastronomy Club
  • Workshop Nusantara FoodFest
  • Internal Competition
  • Outing New Member Recruitment
  • Selection of President and Vice President
  • Community Service

Activity Gallery.

Organization Structure.