Junius Hardy,
S.T., M.T., M.A.




Junius Hardy, S.T., M.T., M.A. is a lecturer of Pharmacy Study Program. He teaches Kimia Dasar, Kimia Organik, Kimia Farmasi I, Kimia Farmasi II, Biokimia, Wawasan Dunia Kristen, and Karya Tulis Ilmiah courses. His areas of interest industrial chemical process, environment chemical, Christian faith integration, and philosophy, curriculum, and education technology. He earned his Bachelor?s Degree in Chemical Engineering from Institut Teknologi Indonesia, Master?s Degree in Chemical Engineering from Universitas Indonesia, and Master of Art in Christian Ministry from Sekolah Tinggi Teologia Reformed Indonesia. He is also a Certified Christian Leader (Hagai Institute, Maui, Hawaii, USA).
