I Made Murwantara,
S.Si., M.Kom., Ph.D.




I Made Murwantara, S.SI., M.KOM., PH.D. is a lecturer of Informatics Study Program. He teaches Cloud Computing, Advanced Software Engineering, Frontier Technology, Studio Perancangan Aplikasi Software Engineering, and Operational Research courses. His areas of interest include software product line engineering for and in cloud computing, internet of things, data science, and search-based software engineering. He earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics sub Computer Science from Universitas Padjajaran, Master in Computer Science from Universitas Indonesia, and PhD in Computer Science from University of Birmingham in the UK. He is also a Certified Educator.


  • Best Paper Award Telkomnika 2018
Journal Publications:
  • Comparison of machine learning performance for earthquake prediction in Indonesia using 30 years historical data Murwantara, I.M., Yugopuspito, P., Hermawan, R. Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), 2020, 18(3), pp. 1331-1342
  • Towards Adaptive Sensor-Cloud for Internet of Things, I Made Murwantara, Hendra Tjahyadi, Pujianto Yugopuspito, Arnold Aribowo, Irene A Lazarusli Telkomnika, 2018, 16(6)
see other publications (click here)