Dr. Andry. M Panjaitan,


Associate Vice President of Student Development


Dr. Andry. M Panjaitan, MT is a lecturer of the Industrial Engineering Study Program. He teaches Industrial Psychology; Integrated Quality Management; Leadership courses. His research interests include leadership, human resource management, and total quality management. He earned a master's degree in Industrial Engineering from Universitas Pelita Harapan and is currently pursuing his doctoral degree at Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Journal Publications:

  • Quality Improvement for A Shoe Laundry Using Integration Model of Service Blueprint, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, and Fault Tree Analysis
    Hartono Natalia, Panjaitan Andry M., Noel Abram
    MATEC Web of Conferences, Vol 218, p 04006 (2018) EDP Sciences, 2018.
  • Analysis of e-Toll card usage at Pondok Ranji Tollgate
    Panjaitan, Andry M.; Silalahi, Rudy Vernando; Andrew, Jonathan
    2014 2nd International Conference on Information & Communication Technology (ICoICT); 2014, p481-486, 6p
see other publications (click here)