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Pencapaian Mahasiswa Universitas Pelita Harapan

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Reward isn’t about getting paid for what you do. True reward is when you reach the completion of your effort; it’s when you and others can enjoy the fruit of your own work. Whether through competition or student project, we all celebrate the result of student works just as when God saw all that He had made, saying ‘It is very good’.

For the second time, the UPH Business School Accounting Team won 1st place in The Accounting and Business Competition or D?ABC. This achievement was also gained at D?ABC 2016. For this time, the UPH team was represented by Alexander Dylan (Accounting 2013), Cicilia M wijaya and Calvina (Accounting 2014).

?Hopefully, through this achievement, the UPH Business School can continue to improve the quality of its students, because participating in the competition can improve the abilities and competencies of UPH Business School students,? said Anton Herusatya, lecturer of the UPH Business School. This competition was attended by 16 teams from various well-known universities such as the Universitas Indonesia (2 teams), Universitas Widya Mandala (1 team), PKN-STAN (2 teams), Universitas Parahyangan (2 teams), Universitas Surabaya (2 teams), and other universities from various regions.


UPH Choir & Voxcom Femme Conservatory of Music
Winning 5 Gold Medals at International Choir Festival 2017
UPH Students took home a pleasing achievement from Bali International Choir Festival (BICF) 2017. In addition to the 3 gold medals achieved by the UPH Choir team, UPH's Voxcom Femme Conservatory of Music team also took home two gold medals. This annual competition has been held since 2012. In 2017, it is the sixth time the BICF held on July 14-20. Participated by 7000 participants of 140 choirs from 14 countries and 14 judges or choir experts from abroad, Voxcom Femme played two songs in the open competition, namely, Bottom of the River and This is My Wish arranged by Nadia Delarosa (the member of Voxcom Femme). In the Championship and Grand Prix, Voxcom presented an additional song called Circle of Life which was also arranged by Nadia Delarosa. For UPH CoM, this achievement became an encouragement to work harder to achieve the next goal and gain valuable experience to be able to perform with other choirs both nationally and internationally. The enthusiasm for achieving better achievements was also felt by members of the Voxcom Femme team. Following is the testimony of Tyasta Pangalila (2016): "Joining BICF is very fun because I can see so many choirs not only from Indonesia but from many other countries. At BICF I also met many great people who work in the music field. I can learn a lot from them and good choirs that appear, motivating me to be even better."
Silvia Ervina
Gold Winner of the 2018-2019 AYDA
Silvia Ervina, as the winner of the Interior Design category, and Daniel, the winner for Architecture category from Universitas Kristen Petra Surabaya in the AYDA will be competing with other participants from 14 countries to obtain the Asia?s Young Designer of the Year award as well as a scholarship in Harvard University Graduate School of Design (GSD), in a form of Summer School Program in Harvard University Graduate School of Design (GSD) in Boston, Massachusetts, United States. Ervina was able to achieve a successful outcome by choosing the Lawang Sewu building in Semarang as the project she will be working on for the 2018-2019 AYDA Award; she will also use this work as her final project for her final years in School of Design (SoD) UPH. Ervina chose this particular building because of her desire and empathy for this building because for a very long time, this building has only been perceived as a haunted place. ?Lawang Sewu is interesting, but people only know the horror aspect of the building. Although in reality, Lawang Sewu is a train museum. Thus, I want to create a work of design that aims to spike people?s interest to visit the building to have an emotional experience from the historical background and aspects of the building. This also relates back to the Dutch and Japan?s era,? Ervina then explained. Along with Ervina?s achievement, Agnes S. Azarja, one of UPH?s Interior Design lecturer who was also Ervina?s supervisor, also got the award for Best Lecturer during the competition.
Calvina (Accounting 2014), Cicilia M. Wijaya (Accounting 2014), Alexander Dylan (Accounting 2013)
1st Winner in The Accounting and Business Competition (D'ABC)
For the second time, the UPH Business School Accounting Team won 1st place in The Accounting and Business Competition or D'ABC. This achievement was also gained at D'ABC 2016. For this time, the UPH team was represented by Alexander Dylan (Accounting 2013), Cicilia M wijaya and Calvina (Accounting 2014). "Hopefully, through this achievement, the UPH Business School can continue to improve the quality of its students, because participating in the competition can improve the abilities and competencies of UPH Business School students," said Anton Herusatya, lecturer of the UPH Business School. This competition was attended by 16 teams from various well-known universities such as the Universitas Indonesia (2 teams), Universitas Widya Mandala (1 team), PKN-STAN (2 teams), Universitas Parahyangan (2 teams), Universitas Surabaya (2 teams), and other universities from various regions.
Bella Nathania (Accounting 2014), Heidy Natalia Kindy (Accounting 2014), Calvina (Accounting 2014)
2nd winner in the Indonesia Accounting Fair 18 (IAF) Universitas Indonesia
UPH Business School, namely its Accounting Department, won another national competition in the Indonesia Accounting Fair 18 or IAF competition held by the Universitas Indonesia, in March 2017. One of the two teams sent by the Accounting study program-UPH Business School won 2nd place and brought home a trophy and a cash amount of 600 USD. The team consists of Bella Nathania (2014), Heidy Natalia Kindy (2014), and Calvina (2014). The IAF 18 competition was attended by 24 teams from 16 universities, including Universitas Airlangga (2 teams), Universitas Widya Mandala, Universitas Surabaya (2 teams), and Trisakti School Management University (2 teams). This competition consists of 4 rounds with various activities. UPH Team 1 won 2nd place, while Universitas Widya Mandala Team 1 and University Surabaya Team 1 won 1st and 3rd places.
Bella Nathania, Heidy Natalia Kindy, Alexander Dylan (Accounting)
3rd Place in the Atma Jaya Yogyakarta National Level Accounting Competition Supreme Accounting Competition (ASAC)
The UPH Accounting Team won 3rd place in the national level accounting competition "Atma Jaya Yogyakarta Supreme Accounting Competition (ASAC)" which took place on March 14-16 2017, at the Atmajaya campus, Yogyakarta. This competition was attended by 23 teams from various regional universities in Indonesia, such as the Universitas Indonesia (2 teams), Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Sebelas Maret, and Universitas Surabaya (2 teams). In the semifinal round, 15 teams from 11 universities were selected. UPH Business School team, namely from Accounting Study Program, consisting of Bella Nathania, Heidy Natalia Kindy, and Alexander Dylan, ranks 4th out of 15 teams with 779 points. They are guided by Accounting lecturers, Mulyadi Noto Soetardjo and Hanna Wijaya.
Felix (Accounting 2015), Erwin (Accounting 2015), Josephine Stephanie (Accounting 2015)
First Runner Up Winner in the 2017 Prasetiya Mulya Accounting Fair (PMAF) Competition
Three UPH Accounting students won second place at the 2017 Prasetiya Mulya Accounting Fair (PMAF), which was held on 22-23 May 2017. This competition was attended by 30 teams from various universities, including the University of Indonesia, Trisakti School of Management, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Universitas Binus, Universitas Padjajaran, and Swiss German University. The competition with the theme 'When Business Levels up: Why Understanding Accounting Will Drive Your Business to a Higher Standard' consists of three rounds: main rounds, semifinals and finals. The final result of this competition was as follows: Universitas Indonesia won first place, Team 1 UPH won second place, Universitas Gadjah Mada won third place, and Universitas Multimedia Nusantara won fourth place. As an appreciation, Team 1 UPH received Rp. 7,500,000 along with trophy.
Judith (Accounting 2013), Alexander Dylan (Accounting 2014), Stephanie Bayu (Accounting 2013)
The First Winner at DABC 2016
On February 11-12th, UPH succeeded in winning first place at D?ABC 2016 (The Accounting and Business Competition) event which was held at Binus International The Joseph Wibowo Center for Advanced Learning (JWC). In this contest, UPH sent two teams consisting of Eric Tjandra (class A 2013), Heidy (class A 2014) and Bella (class A 2014) in the 1st team and Judith (class A 2013), Stephanie Bayu (class A 2013) and Alexander Dylan (class A 2014) in the 2nd team. UPH second team secured first place, therefore gaining internship opportunities in PWC and cash worth a total of Rp 12 million. The second place went to Universitas Parahyangan, and the third to Universitas Gajah Mada. D'ABC is an annual event held by Binus International's Accounting Student Club (ASC) which aims to strengthen the bond among accounting students from various universities, as well as introducing the participants to career and practical situations in accounting. D'ABC 2016 was followed by 16 teams from top universities, such as Universitas Indonesia (3 teams), Universitas Gajah Mada (3 teams), Universitas Padjadjaran (1 team), and Universitas Parahyangan (3 teams).
Accounting Students
Winning the 2nd and 3rd Place at Accounting Festival 2016 UNTAR
Universitas Pelita Harapan Accounting students succeeded in achieving 2nd and 3rd place at Accounting Festival 2016 by Universitas Tarumanagara which carried the theme ?Extend Our Skill Out of Accounting Boundaries and Bring the Impact to the World?. UPH sent out three teams for this competition, they were UPH 1st Team consisting of Alvina Phoandy (2013), Raymond Pandi (2014), Welly Mulyadi (2013); UPH 2nd Team consisting of Chen Ching Ching (2013), Kristian Kurniawan (2014), Michelline Tan (2014); and UPH 3rd Team consisting of Alexander Dylan (2014), Bella Nathania (2014), Heidy Natalia (2014). This year, UPH experiences an improvement for its achievement compared to the previous year, when UPH was only able to achieve the 4th place at Accounting Festival 2015. This year, UPH succeeded in gaining the second place which was achieved by UPH 2nd team and the third place by UPH 1st team, while the 1st place this year is achieved by TSM. Accounting Festival itself is an event held by the Student Association of Accounting at Universitas Tarumanegara. This event is held annually and includes a seminar as well as a series of national-level competitions in the field of accounting. The competitions at Accounting Festival 2016 were joined by 19 teams from various prestigious universities in Indonesia, namely Universitas Indonesia, Trisakti School of Management, Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara, Universitas Surabaya, and others.
UPH Interior Design Student Becomes the Gold Winner of Asia Young Designer Award 2020
Gold Winner of Asia Young Designer Award (AYDA) 2020
Another achievement was once again obtained by the Interior Design Department, School of Design Universitas Pelita Harapan (SoD UPH) through one of its students, Greta Elsa Nurtjahja (Interior Design, 2014) who became the Gold Winner of Asia Young Designer Award (AYDA) 2020. The wonderful news was announced on January 17, 2020 at Hermitage Hotel, Jakarta. Through this achievement, the Gold Winner title has been achieved by UPH Interior Design students for two consecutive years, 2018/2019 and 2019/2020. This year?s AYDA was the seventh event held by Nippon Paint Indonesia in collaboration with the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of Indonesia. The year?s event was followed by 486 works of students from 26 universities. The winner is chosen based on its compatibility with the event?s appointed theme: ?Forward a Sustainable Future?. Through this theme, the committee aims to encourage participants upon growing their ability in answering the variety of challenges within the contemporary society in order to enhance the life quality of society and environment. Hopefully, the winner of this event can give a genuine contribution for the architecture and interior design industry of Indonesia.
Ingvania & Daniel (Architecture 2017)
The First Winner of International Architecture Design Competition
The design of residence entitled Garden Living Space, by Ingvania and Dannel, UPH Architecture students from class of 2013, was chosen as the first winner in the International Architecture Design themed 'Urban Housing' which was held by the UK Petra Architectural Student Association, on March 1-2, 2017, in Surabaya. The work carries the concept of a house as a garden, and a garden as a home. In this competition, participants were asked to design houses that accommodate natural and local cultural riches, and specifically expected to be able to meet the needs of each family member of the householder who has different needs. The unique design of houses is also expected to be inclusive for family members who use wheelchairs. The design of the house must also be adjusted to the determined size and the location of urban dwellings with a fairly dense population.
Jullyam and Ario Nugroho Suprapto, Nicosius Geraldi and Steven Wijaya
Passed through the Selection at Asean Skills Competition XII
The first step was passed by the UPH Industrial Engineering team, in the Asean Skills Competition XII regional selection that took place from 1-4 August 2017. The team consisting of Jullyam and Ario Nugroho Suprapto won the first place, while a team consisting of Nicosius Geraldi and Steven Wijaya won the second place. They are students of Industrial Engineering class of 2014 who are currently completing their final assignments. The Asean Skills Competition is an event held by the Directorate of Stankomlatker Directorate General of Binalattas, Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia. Selection is done from the regional level to find the best candidates who will represent the province and continue with national level selection. Participants who qualify for the national level will attend training for approximately 1 year and there will be a final selection to determine the participants who will represent Indonesia in the XII ASEAN Skills Competition (ASC) in Bangkok Thailand 2018. ?Besides luck, accuracy is one of the keys that made us win in this competition. The system of per-point assessments, makes us prioritize what is right compared to wanting to quickly finish it. It?s okay, everything important is fulfilled,? Jullyam explained. He added that what was obtained in the class was more or less the same as what they faced during the competition. That?s what makes them accustomed to when facing problems in the competition. ?You could say this is his form of luck,? said Jullyam.
UPH Faculty of Medicine Team
Overall Winner in Regional Medical Olympiad (RMO) 2017
UPH Faculty of Medicine (UPH FK) succeeded to maintain the overall champion position at the 2017 Regional Medical Olympiad (RMO) which took place at the School of Medicine at Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana, Jakarta, August 18-21, 2017. This victory repeated its previous success in the event RMO 2016. Although it is arguably a newcomer, the ability of the UPH FK team is truly extraordinary, with 3 gold, 2 silver and 1 bronze won. Each gold is in the field of Gastroentero-hepatology, Uro-Reproduction, and Cardio-Respiratory, whereas silver for the Musculo-Skeletal and Neuro-Psychiatry fields, and then bronze for Tropical Infection. In this competition, UPH FK sent 6 teams, each consisting of two medical students, for each field of competition: the field of Cardiology and Respiratory System, represented by Nicholas Gabriel HR (FK 2014) and Hubert Subekti (FK 2015); Gastroentero-hepatology System, represented by Gilbert Sterling Oktavius ??(FK 2014) and Felicia Imanuella Thorion (FK 2015); Musculoskeletal System, represented by Kartika Darmaya (FK 2014) and Vika Damay (FK 2014); Neuropsychiatry System, represented by Kevin Christian (FK 2014) and Cynthia Putri (FK 2014); Uro-Reproductive System, represented by Prio Wibisono (FK 2014) and Irene (FK 2015); and the field of Tropical Infection, represented by Alicya Lesmanadjaja (FK 2014) and Michael Don (FK 2014). This competition was attended by 14 institutions joined in the Region 2 Indonesian Medical Student Senate Association (ISMKI), namely, DKI Jakarta, Tangerang Banten, West Java, and West Kalimantan. This competition is the second time held, and each year the level of difficulty of the material tested increases according to developments in the field of medical science. After going through a fairly tight round, the UPH FK was chosen as the overall champion followed by FK UKRIDA in the second place and FK UI in the third place.
Grace Feoh, Cindy Lawani, Sherlin Hia, Imas Dwi, Grasiana Su, Febrica Putri (Keperawatan)
Winners in several categories in National Nursing Festival 2015
Students of the Faculty of Nursing (FON) won several categories in the National Nursing Festival 2015 held by the Universitas Indonesia (UI) Nursing Faculty (FIK) on November 20-22, 2015. Competing with leading universities in Indonesia such as UI, ITB, UNPAD, UNDIP, UNIBRAW, and others, the 1st place on the Spelling Bee was won by Grace Feoh, the 2nd place on the Speech Competition was won by Cindy Lawani, the 3rd place on the Peotry Competition by Sherlin Hia, and the 2nd place on the Fast Competition Right was won by Imas Dwi, Grasiana Su, and Febrica Putri. In addition, the FON students, Grace Feoh and Romayanti Sunurat, also won the 3rd place on the English Debate with the theme "Nurses' role in diabetes and diabetic ulcer management" in the Nursing Scientific Festival 2015 held by Universitas Brawijaya (UNIBRAW) Malang on October 16-18, 2015. UPH FON also won the award with the 3rd largest average score and passed 100% of the 2015 Ners Indonesia Competition Test by Kemenristek Dikti, where only 3 nursing institutions passed 100% of approximately 409 S-1 Nursing in Indonesia.
Hubert Subekti & Irene
Gold Medal Winner in Regional Medical Olympiad
Hubert Subekti and Irene, Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) Faculty of Medicine students of the 2015 batch, won a gold medal for the Urogenital category of the Regional Medical Olympiad 2018. This is all thanks to their display of creativity and independence. Mere creativity is not enough ? they are also fully backed up by lecturer and Urologist in Siloam Hospitals Karawaci, Dr. dr. Edwin Tobing, Sp.U and dr. Christiano Tansol, Sp.U. This is the third consecutive win for UPH ? UPH has been holding the title for three years. In addition to their win, UPH Faculty of Medicine also brought home four other wins. UPH won 2nd place for the Cardiorespiratory and Tropical Infection categories and 3rd place for the Neuropsychiatry and Musculoskeletal categories. Hubert and Irene told about their experience competing with other participants. ?We had to compete against a lot of top state universities, but we didn?t feel inferior and we keep doing our best,? Irene declared. RMO is held by Ikatan Senat Mahasiswa Kedokteran Indonesia, or the Indonesian Medical Student?s Executive Board Association (ISMKI), and runs every year in 3 different regions. UPH competed with other universities in DKI Jakarta, Banten, West Java, and West Kalimantan in Regional 2. There is a total of 11 universities participating, consisting of both state and private universities.
Calvin, Lukas Hernandio, Glady Fabiola, Raditya Rahim, Praisel Ester Pua (International Relations)
International Relation UPH won several awards in national Model United Nations (MUN) competitions
International Relation UPH students participated in Bandung Model United Nations (BANDUNGMUN) on 16-19 April 2015 at Grand Royal Panghegar Hotel. UPH delegation was represented by Calvin who also received Best Delegate award, Lukas Hernandio and Glady Fabiola as Outstanding Delegate, Praise Ester Pua who received Best Position Paper award, and Raditya Rahim. BANDUNGMUN 2015 theme was entitled "Surmounting Global Challenge with Inclusive Diplomacy".
Previously, International Relation UPH also participated in the similar competition which was held at Universitas Padjajaran (UNPAD), namely UNPAD MUN on 27 February-2 March 2015 and Asian Law Student's Association Local Chapter (ALSA LC) UNPAD MUN on 7-10 May 2015. ALSA UNPAD MUN 2015 was delegated by Yuri Nurrahim with Best Delegate award and on UNPAD MUN, UPH delegation sucesfully achieved Best Proposal and Best Delegation award by Yuri Nurrahim and Dennis Jonathan.
Christian Primanta Gamaliel Tarigan, Hanyen Tenggono, Cindy Claudia Hanels (Law)
The 2nd Winner of University Debate Competition National Round of Padjajaran Law Fair 2015
UPH Law School once again contributed an excellent achievement for UPH. On 17-19 April 2015, UPH Law School joined the Padjajaran Law Fair (PLF) 2015, which was represented by Christian Primanta Gamaliel Tarigan, Hanyen Tenggono, Cindy Claudia Hanels. At the end of the competition, it was announced the Cindy Claudia Hanels was chosen as the Best Oralist. Cited from hukumonline.com, although they lost and must be satisfied with runner-up position, UPH Law School debate team member, Cindy Claudia Hanels is still proud. In her opinion, this was the best that she and her friends could give to UPH Law School. Moreover, that was their debut performance. ?The most important thing that we already gave the best. Yes, this is the first competition for us,? said Cindy.
UPH Law Team
The First Winner of Alona E. Evans Award of the Philip C. Jessup International Moot Court Competition, USA
UPH students again earned another stellar achievement through its Law School in the Philip C. Jessup International Moot Court Competition on the international round in Washington DC, USA on 5-11 April 2015, after winning the national round in Indonesia. UPH Jessup Team comprised of Roselyn Prima Winata (2011), Astrid Desmonda (2011), Sabrina Wirawendra Kusumoprojo (2012), Nadya Mulya (2013), and Bernice Koean (2014). The team had not only liven up to the tradition of excellence of the previous UPH Jessup teams, but had broken another record when they won the Alona E. Evans Award, First Place in Combined Memorials edging 116 teams from more than 80 countries around the world. UPH Jessup team also ranked Top 7 in the Advanced Rounds after winning all of their preliminary rounds against John Hopkins University (US), Universit? de Strasbourg (France), Waseda University (Japan) and University of Colombo (Sri Lanka). Such feat was also made possible with the outstanding dedication of their coach Jessica Los Banos, as well as advisors David Smith, Johan Kurnia, Sianti Candra, Dinna Margaretha, and Jonathan Jehuda Abuthan. The Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition is one of the largest moot court competitions in the world that simulates a proceeding before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) with different themes every year. This year's problem carries the theme of The Case Concerning Secession and Annexation of East Agnostica and other international law issues.
Adella Kristi (Law 2013), Rosary Sarasvaty (Law 2014), Rachella (Law 2014)
The First Winner of Constitutional Debate Competition held by Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga
On 27-28 March 2015, for the first time UPH Law School joined the Constitutional Debate Competition held by Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga. This debate competition was also the first to be held on the university round of Java region, wherein the previous years, the competition was held only for universities in Salatiga city. Uniquely, in this competition, the participants were not allowed to mention their universities, so they used a so-called nickname. For instance, UPH Law School as?Betawi?Team. This was done in order to keep the judges? objectivity. Every two universities debated over determined topics. The motions or topic of debate in the competition were about interfaith marriage, 5th?amendments of UUD 1945, the decision of Constitutional Court on the reconsideration should be filed more than once, and Indonesia?s obligation to initiate the reformation of International Monetary Fund. It was a prideful moment in which for the first time UPH participated the debate competition and against other 17 universities from all Java region, the team can bring the first winner trophy. The team members were Adella Kristi (Law 2013), Rosary Sarasvaty (Law 2014), Rachella (Law 2014), they were selected and mentored by two seniors, Densen and Jaki, as well as two UPH Law School lecturers, Dwi Putra Nugraha and Yosephus Mainake.
UPH IHL Team (Law)
UPH IHL Team proceeds to the International Rounds of IHL moot competition
After winning the 2012 Indonesian National Rounds of International Humanitarian Law Moot Court Competition, the UPH IHL Moot Court Team consisting of Natasha R. U. Situmeang and Rosalind Ratana as Oralists, as well as Bernadeth Anashtasya as Researcher, together with coaches Jessica Los Banos and Sianti Candra, flew to Hong Kong from 14th -16th of March 2013 to compete for the International Rounds of the 11th Red Cross International Humanitarian Law (IHL) Moot (2013) (IHL moot competition, An Inter-University Competition for Asia-Pacific Region) organized by the Hong Kong Red Cross and International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). This competition invited judges comprised of distinguished lawyers, legal scholars, and judges from Hong Kong and overseas, as well as IHL experts from ICRC and the Red Cross National Societies. This time, the team did not only represent UPH but also Indonesia in an international competition and faced a higher level of competition compared to the national rounds, since 20 teams around Asia-pacific, such as Australia, China, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan, Korea, Pakistan, India, Cambodia, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Philippines also competed in the international rounds. Most of the teams came to Hong Kong after clenching the title of national champion of their respective countries, beating their fellow universities.
UPH Moot Court Team (Law)
UPH Moot Court team is representing Indonesia in Washington DC to compete in the International Rounds of Philip C. Jessup International Moot Court Competition
UPH Moot Court team for the third time is representing Indonesia in Washington DC to compete in the International Rounds of Philip C. Jessup International Moot Court Competition. This most prestigious competition for law students will be held on March 24-31, 2012.
After taking home the runner up trophy at the national rounds held in Bandung, February 3-5, 2012, the team, consisting of Athalia Karima Yedida Soemarko, Selvana Stella Oviona, Jessica Vincentia Marpaung, Jonathan Jehuda Abuthan, Roselyn Prima Winata with coach Jamie Jolene Williams, together with moot court team from Universitas Gajah Mada will represent Indonesia and compete with approximately 120 teams coming from 80 countries.
Angeline Kartika (Information Systems 2017)
The 1st Winner of Digital Marketing Competition 2020 in Taiwan
Angeline Kartika, Universitas Pelita Harapan Information Systems' (SI UPH) student, class of 2017, won the 1st place in The 5th Chong Yue Video Competition 2020, in Taiwan. This international competition was held by TOPCO Scientific Co., LTD., Taiwan, of which was conducted online in August-December 2019, and the announcement of the winners on March 3, 2020. Participants were 50 groups, each consisting of 4 people from various countries. TOPCO Scientific Co., LTD. itself is a company in Taiwan engaged in the high-tech industry, which provides services in the form of equipment system integration and maintenance, as well as producing several products such as semi-conductor material, equipment and opto-electronic material, electronic material, and others. Through the competition, Topco promoted the idea of ??using digital technology to promote a brand. Angeline admitted that she faced several challenges in working with teams from different countries during the competition, such as how to communicate,? and the differences culture & timezone. But for her, this became an opportunity to learn to be able to work efficiently and effectively regardless of the situation. ?In this competition we, have to analyze social media for promotion and there are various terms related to technology-based promotion. For me, this is already familiar, because in SI UPH we have learned the use of technology to do business,? Angel said. But Angel acknowledged, in addition to being equipped with the knowledge in the classroom, the support and motivation from lecturers were also very important.
Antonius Budianto (Industrial Engineering 2007), Natalia Kristiani (Industrial Engineering 2007), Yuliana (Industrial Engineering 2008), and Yovan Aditya (Industrial Engineering 2008)
The 1st Winner in Industrial Engineering Science Competition (LKTI) 2010
Four students from UPH Industrial Engineering Study Program just won the first place in the Industrial Engineering Science Competition (LKTI) on March 12, 2010. The competition held by the Universitas Indonesia is an annual event to test students' abilities in the theory and practice of Industrial Engineering. In 2009, UPH was in third place and in 2008 in second place. "We were given a case study of earthquakes in the Sunda Strait which must be completed by simulation. How the risk management and business continuity plan are, namely how to deal with the disaster and how long a company can be fully recovered," said Antonius Budianto, student of UPH Industrial Engineering, class of 2007. Antonius' teammates are Natalia Kristiani (2007), Yuliana (2008), and Yovan Aditya (2008). The four of them succeeded to amaze the judges in the last round because the victims who fell on the UPH team simulation were the least among the other five teams. "During the race, we were not allowed to consult with the lecturer. So from the paper until the simulation round is purely the result of our hard work," added Natalia. This competition was held on March 8, 2010 and was attended by 32 teams from 20 universities in Indonesia, both private and public universities.
Fernando, Wibowo, Gloria, and Petrick
The 3rd Winner in LKTI 2014
Four UPH Industrial Engineering students (Fernando, Wibowo, Gloria, and Petrick) won the 3rd place in Lomba Keilmuan Teknik Industri held by Universitas Indonesia from March 9-13, 2014. Since 2001, LKTI (Lomba Keilmuan Teknik Industri) is continuously conducted by Industrial Engineering students of Universitas Indonesia. LKTI is widely known as scientific competition among Industrial Engineer student in order to enhance the ability of solving industrial problem. LKTI is not only a discussion and knowledge sharing forum, but also a place to implement the concept of Industrial Engineering in the real world. ?Welcoming 2015 ASEAN Open Sky: Escalating Nation?s Airlines Competitiveness through Service Management? has been promoted as the theme of LKTI 2014. The theme was motivated by the ASEAN Open Skies policy which is going to be implemented in 2015. This competition was participated by 25 teams who were short-listed at the preliminary round where they had to make a paper about airlines. Those 25 teams came from various state and private universities in Indonesia, such as Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Andalas, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Universitas Bina Nusantara, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Universitas Sumatera Utara, President University, Universitas Katholik Parahyangan, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November, Universitas Al-Azhar Indonesia, Universitas Kristen Petra, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Diponegoro, Universitas Surabaya and Universitas Sebelas Maret.
Isabella Supardi, Sabrina Yoshe, and Valentina Jasmine
The 2nd Winner in the NFTC 2014
The UPH Food Technology Team won 2nd place in the National Food Technology Competition (NFTC). The UPH team consisted of three Food Technology students of the 2011 class, namely Isabella Supardi, Sabrina Yoshe, and Valentina Jasmine. The team submitted a paper entitled Utilization of Cambodian Flower Sandalwood (Plumeria rubra f. Lutea) in 'Herbal Tea' products. The Winners got cash prize. NFTC is a series of national level scientific workshops and competitions that focus on food issues in Indonesia. The theme raised at the year's NFTC was "Increasing Food Security through Food Product Diversification". This was motivated by the condition of Indonesia's high population growth and if it was not anticipated it could lead to a food crisis. One of the prevention efforts was to strengthen food security through diversification of food products by utilizing various types of foodstuffs. The event took place on May 10, 2014, Benedictus Auditorium Building B, 4th Floor, Widya Mandala Catholic University, Surabaya (UKWMS). The NFTC was initiated by the Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Food Technology of Widya Mandala Catholic University of Surabaya (FTP-UKWMS) since 2007 and it is held annually.
Abe Gracia
The 1st Winner in Mathematics on ON MIPA PT 2014
On May 21-25, 2014, UPH had the opportunity to take part in the National Olympiad of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the College level (ON MIPA PT). Abe Gracia (class of 2011) won 1st place in Mathematics at ONMIPA PT 2014. Abe successfully competed with other participants who were students from well-known public universities such as UI, ITB, UGM, and IPB, and completed questions that had a higher level of difficulty than ON MIPA PT the previous year. According to the Director of Learning and Student Affairs of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Illah Sailah, as reported on the website of Dikti.go.id, the achievement of the value of ON MIPA-PT participants at this time is better than last year. He hopes to be able to facilitate the winners to continue their studies to the Masters level. Among the twenty-five participants who won the Mathematics award, seven were selected to take part in the International Mathematical Competition XXI held on July 28 to August 5, 2014 in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. Even though the year UPH did not qualify for the international level, the enthusiasm for achieving the best was proven through the achievement of the gold medal at the national level. Abe achieved this achievement is expected to motivate other students not only from the Mathematics Department, but all UPH students to show off in prestigious national and even international competitions.
Chiara Wijaya and Veliana Lim
Receiving Research Funding Assistance from PT Indofood
The two students of UPH Food Technology, Chiara Wijaya (2010) and Veliana Lim (2010), were selected as recipients of Research Funds from PT Indofood through the Indofood Riset Nugraha (IRN) Program for the 2014-2015 period. PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk ("Indofood") invites undergraduate student in Indonesia to contribute to food security and national nutritional adequacy through research that promotes Marine and Land-Based Food Diversity. Research proposals from UPH Foodtech students each entitled The Increased Acceptability of Winged Milk (Psophocarpus Tetragonolobus (L.) (DC.) with Addition of Stabilizers and Ginger Juice, proposed by Chiara, and the Study of Characteristics and Stability of Emulsifiers of Okra Mucus Powder (Abelmoschus esculentus), proposed by Veliana, both succeeded in entering 52 selected proposals out of 213 proposals. The IRN program is intended for students from various majors. The scope of research includes food technology and community nutrition, social, economic, cultural, agricultural and livestock cultivation. Every year, the chosen theme varies according to the situation and conditions that are happening in the community. Some research results are expected to be further developed, even the best research results will also be included in international food competitions.
UPH Travel Industry Management Team
Winners in Several Categories in Hospitour 2015
Hospitour is an annual event organized by the UPH School of Hospitality & Tourism. The Hospitour 2015 took the theme "Accross: ASEAN Culture and Economy in Tourism Hospitality" which took place on March 26-27 2015. In the Hospitour event various competitions were held such as cooking competition, making bed, table set up, cooking competition, speech, and others for Hospitality Management. For Travel Industry Management, a guiding competition is held. The students won the 1st & 3rd rank for guiding competition.
UPH Travel Industry Management Team
Winners in Several Categories in Hospitour 2017
Hospitour is an annual event organized by the UPH School of Hospitality & Tourism. In 2017, Hospitour took the theme "GREAT: Gastronomy's Role in Evolving and Advancing Sustainable Tourism" which lasted for three days, April 10-12. In the Hospitour event various competitions were held such as cooking competition, making bed, table set up, cooking competition, speech, and others for Hospitality Management study program. For Travel Industry Management study program, a guiding competition and tour package planning are held. The students won the 1st and 2nd rank for guiding competition, the 1st and 2nd rank for tour package planning competitions, and the 3rd rank for debate competition.
UPH Travel Industry Management Team
Winners in Several Categories in Indonesian Tourism Competition (KPI)
The Indonesian Tourism Competition (KPI) is one of national tourism events held annually by Politeknik Negeri Bandung. The organizers of this event came from the Department of Commerce Administration of Travel Industry Management Study Program. Until now, KPI which was established in 2009 has been running for six times. In the 7th KPI, the UPH Travel Industry Management Study Program won in several categories: - the 1st place tour package competition with student members: Jacqueline Lawrence, Marshella Budianto, Winnie Andira - the 3rd place in the tour package competition with student members: Grace, Kalef Agung Yoshua, Novi Permata Sari - the 2nd place in the guiding competition with student members: Jennifer Clarencia - the 3rd place in the Tourism Quiz Competition with student members: Connie Lewinia, Jessica Halim, and Meviniya Stacia


Juni 2017

Marincan Pardede (Electrical Engineering), "Preferential Triplet Over Signlet Emission of Zn in Laser-induced Plasmas," Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.56, No.6

Juli-Agustus 2016

Cucunawangsih (Medical), "Distribution of Dengue Virus Serotype in Tangerang, Indonesia," International Journal of Tropical Medicine, Vol.11, Issue 4

Mei 2018

Karel Karsten Himawan (Psychology), "Singleness, Religiosity, and the Implications for Counselors: The Indonesian Case," Europe's Journal of Psychology (EJOP), Vol.14, No.2


Sabrina O. Sihombing (Manajemen), "Instrumental and terminal values of Indonesian micro-finance entrepreneurs: A preliminary report," International Journal of Economic Research, Vol. 13, No. 3


Andree E. Widjaja (Informatics), "Facebook C2C social commerce: A study of online impulse buying," Decision Support Systems, Vol. 83


Endrowednes Kuantama (Electrical Engineering), "PID and Fuzzy-PID control model for quadcopter attitude with disturbance parameter." International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, Vol. 12, No. 4


Eka J. Wahjoepramono (Medical), "The effects of testosterone supplementation on cognitive functioning in older men ," CNS and Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, Vol. 15, No. 3


Disamping kegiatan akademis, UPH juga memberi kesempatan kepada setiap mahasiswa untuk mengembangkan diri melalui berbgai kegiatan organisasi di dalam kampus.
Year Title Author Scheme Faculty


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