Seminar Nasional Desain Sosial 2019 (Call for Papers).

Seminar Nasional Desain Sosial 2019 (Call for Papers) Arsitektur UPH Desain Interior UPH Desain Komunikasi Visual UPH Desain Produk UPH

?Seminar Nasional Desain Sosial (SNDS) 2019? is a call for paper seminar organized by the Pelita Harapan University School of Design (UPD SoD). The event invites academics, designers, initiators, and activists have the theme ‘Responsive Social Design: A New Ethic’; in which the seminar focuses on discussion about the social dimension of design and designers.

Some important dates about the event are:
Full Paper Deadline: May 17, 2019
Paper Acceptance: June 5, 2019
Deadline for Registration Payment: June 21, 2019
Seminar Date: July 18, 2019

For more information on the Seminar, please contact

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