International Conference ASEAN 2025: Toward Increased Trade, Investment and Competition Policy and Law in The Southeast Asian Region (Call for Papers).

Hukum UPH

  • Thursday, 25 July 2019
  • UPH Lippo Village
  • Social & Humanities

Formally, the ASEAN Economic Community has been established on 31 December 2015. ASEAN has begun the stages of its economic integration agenda through the implementation of AEC Blueprint 2025. ASEAN member countries commit to continue reducing or removing barriers to trade in border regulations and to facilitate the movement of people, services and goods in this region.

In the investment sector, ASEAN aims to further increase its attractiveness as a global investment destination by building a regional investment system that is open, transparent and predictable. In the field of competition law, for ASEAN to become a competitive region with a functioning market, the rules on competition must be very operational and effective. For this reason, there is a need for harmonization of competition law in each ASEAN member country and regional competition law policies to create a level playing field for all business actors in the ASEAN region.

This conference seeks to contribute to the organization?s efforts by providing an opportunity for academics, practitioners, and government officials, within and outside the region, to likewise support AEC 2025, by submitting and presenting research papers that address and explore issues, challenges and strategies to attain this vision, particularly research papers focused on improving and harmonizing the region?s trade, investment and competition law and policy framework.

Register and submit your abstract here

For more details,?please click here to download the description