Information Technology industry has become an integral part of modern society and plays a crucial part in shaping the future. Our Informatics program offers a comprehensive curriculum on the core fields of programming, database, and software developments. You will be challenged to keep up with the industry latest technological advances with courses in Software methods, Frontier technologies, Internet of Things, Big Data & Data Sciences, Cloud Technology, and User Experiences. Here are specializations that you can choose in our study program:
? Game Development
? Medical Informatics
? Software Engineering
? Computational Data Science
Graduate Profile.
A graduate who is:
- Able to apply the science of this field to create IT systems/software as an integrated solution for the sector he/she is working in, backed up by a strong sense of responsibility, Christian ethics and responsiveness to technological advances and social issues.
- Able to pioneer a business enterprise based on innovative digital business applications or a variety of IT services (consulting, implementation, support, operation management, training) to meet the needs of society or an organization.
- Able to transfer the knowledge of this field and transform the students lives.
What Will I Study.
You will learn things related to informatics, such as:
- Programming logic to develop intelligent and intereactive applications and games that suit the needs of modern world
- How to enhance user experiences (UX) with imaginary reality using virtual and augmented reality technology
- Finding solutions to many computing and information processing problems by using distinctive programming languages
- How to develop a leading edge of application in frontier technology by utilizing Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cloud Technology
- Interdisciplinary study of medical information, that is, integrating data, knowledge, and technology to provide information technology (IT) solutions in developing healthcare technology equipment
*For course details, you can see on curriculum
What Will I Become.
Here are several career choices & prospective jobs for Informatics graduates:
- Consultant, Analyst & Developer for any of these sectors: Intelligent & Interactive Systems, Database, Information Systems, Software, Integrative Solution, Medical & Health IT
- Technopreneur in Software Development or IT Services
- IT Scholar (Lecturer and/or Researcher)
It All Begins Here.
Dosen-dosen yang ada di UPH telah memiliki pengalaman yang banyak dan memudahkan setiap mahasiswa untuk menerima atau mengembangkan potensi mereka lebih dalam lagi.
Arnold Reynaldi
Inisiatif dan kreatif, merupakan softskills yang saya dapat dari UPH. Pengalaman berharga di UPH menjadi modal saya bekerja.
Elroy Y. Setiabudi
Study Plan
Study Plan.
1st Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Kecakapan Akademik | 0 |
Logika Terapan | 2 |
Pengantar pada Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial | 2 |
Matematika Diskrit | 4 |
Algoritma dan Pemrograman | 4 |
Kalkulus 1 | 3 |
Pengantar TIK | 3 |
2nd Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Kesehatan dan Kebugaran | 0 |
Bahasa Indonesia | 2 |
Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan | 2 |
Pemrograman Java | 4 |
Struktur Data | 3 |
Kalkulus 2 | 3 |
Sistem Informasi Manajemen | 2 |
Statistika dan Probabilitas | 2 |
3rd Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Pendidikan Agama Kristen / Pendidikan Agama-agama Dunia | 4 |
Bahasa Inggris | 2 |
Pancasila | 2 |
4th Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Organisasi dan Arsitektur Komputer | 4 |
Sistem Basis Data | 4 |
Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek | 3 |
Analisis Algoritma | 2 |
Aljabar Linier dan Matriks | 2 |
Wawasan Dunia Kristen 1 / Filsafat Ilmu Pengetahuan | 4 |
5th Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Sistem Operasi | 3 |
Pengembangan Piranti Lunak | 4 |
Pemodelan Berorientasi Objek | 3 |
Grafika Komputer | 2 |
Riset Operasional | 2 |
Wawasan Dunia Kristen 2 / Etika | 4 |
Teknik Pemrograman (Konsentrasi Software Engineering) | 2 |
Pengantar Game Technology (Konsentrasi Intelligent & Interactive Media) | 2 |
Pengantar Informatika Medis (Konsentrasi Informatika Medis) | 2 |
6th Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Kepemimpinan | 2 |
Wawasan Dunia Kristen 3 / Sejarah Pemikiran | 4 |
Arsitektur Piranti Lunak (Konsentrasi Software Engineering) | 3 |
Teori Permainan dan Probabilitas (Konsentrasi Intelligent & Interactive Media) | 3 |
Mikrokontroler (Konsentrasi Informatika Medis) | 3 |
7th Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Interaksi Manusia dan Komputer | 3 |
Komunikasi Data dan Jaringan Komputer | 4 |
Pengembangan Aplikasi Platform Mobile | 4 |
Pengembangan Aplikasi Berbasis Web | 3 |
Komputasi Awan (Konsentrasi Software Engineering) | 3 |
Rekayasa Aplikasi Terdistribusi (Konsentrasi Software Engineering) | 3 |
Matematika & Fisika untuk Game (Konsentrasi Intelligent & Interactive Media) | 3 |
Game Design, Authoring & Scripting (Konsentrasi Intelligent & Interactive Media) | 3 |
Dasar Anatomi dan Fisik (Konsentrasi Informatika Medis) | 3 |
Pengolahan Citra (Konsentrasi Informatika Medis) | 3 |
8th Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Technopreneurship | 2 |
Keamanan Komputasi | 4 |
Kecerdasan Komputasional | 4 |
Frontier Technology (Konsentrasi Software Engineering) | 3 |
Pengembangan Piranti Lunak Lanjut (Konsentrasi Software Engineering) | 3 |
Pemrograman Paralel (Konsentrasi Software Engineering) | 3 |
Frontier Technology (Konsentrasi Intelligent & Interactive Media) | 3 |
Sistem Media Interaktif (Konsentrasi Intelligent & Interactive Media) | 3 |
Multiplayer & Networked Games (Konsentrasi Intelligent & Interactive Media) | 3 |
Komunikasi Seluler (Konsentrasi Informatika Medis) | 3 |
Sistem Manajemen Kesehatan (Konsentrasi Informatika Medis) | 3 |
Simulasi dan Pemodelan Biosignal (Konsentrasi Informatika Medis) | 3 |
9th Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Kapita Selekta | 3 |
Tugas Akhir 1 | 2 |
Studio Perancangan Aplikasi | 4 |
10th Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Tugas Akhir 2 | 4 |
Wawasan Dunia | |
Courses | Credits |
Pendidikan Agama Kristen / Pendidikan Agama Dunia | |
Logika Terapan / Critical Thinking | |
Wawasan Dunia Kristen 1 / Filsafat Ilmu | |
Wawasan Dunia Kristen 2 / Etika | |
Wawasan Dunia Kristen 3 / Sejarah Pemikiran |
Pengenalan Diri | |
Courses | Credits |
Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan | |
Pancasila | |
Pengantar Ilmu Alam | |
Bahasa Indonesia / BIPA | |
General English | |
Kecakapan Akademik | |
Kesehatan dan Kebugaran |
Study Fee | |
Total Study Fee | Rp211.765.000 |
*) The price covers all tuition fee during normal study period according to valid curriculum |
Galeri Aktivitas.
Acara Terkait.
Berita Terkait.
Himpunan Mahasiswa Program Studi Teknik Informatika.
Menjadi organisasi yang berperan aktif dalam mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan dan keterampilan mahasiswa jurusan Informatika.
- Mengadakan bimbingan akademik untuk seluruh mahasiswa Informatika.
- Menyelenggarakan Program Kerja yang memfasilitasi minat dan bakat mahasiswa.
- Membangun dan mempererat relasi segenap warga jurusan Informatika.
- Welcoming Party
- Informatics Trip (i-Trip)
- Gathering
- Sports Day
- Service Through Education (i-Core)
- Informatics Goes to Company (IGC)
- Comparative Study
- Tutoring
- Competitive Programming Club
- Seminar
- Workshop
- The Monthly Byte
- Inform-ME!
- Informatics Championship
- Leadership Exploration Development
Struktur Organisasi.