New Normal to New Future: Recovery and Acceleration.

PSNMHII 33 Hubungan Internasional UPH

  • Monday, 07 June 2021 - Friday, 11 June 2021
  • Online Platform
  • Public, Social & Humanities

Pertemuan Sela Nasional Mahasiswa Hubungan Internasional se-Indonesia (PSNMHII) is one of the biggest annual event which was established in 1989 and participated by 64 universities and 448 International Relations students in the national scope where delegates from each university who is member of Forum Komunikasi Mahasiswa Hubungan Internasional se-Indonesia (FKMHII) gather and compete, discussing current international issues through an academic forum.

This year, for the first time ever, Pelita Harapan University had the honor to become the host of PSNMHII with the grand theme of ?New Normal to New Future: Recovery and Acceleration? that wishes to establish a forum for International Relations students, all across Indonesia to evaluate the on-going topics that are currently happening in the international world and to examine the possible solutions to alter the current status quo, whilst upholding the value of Knowledge, Network, and Collaboration. PSNMHII 33 will be held for five days virtually.