UPH Faculty of Law Won 2nd Place in The Business Law Society Competition at Universitas Indonesia.

The delegation team from UPH Faculty of Law (FH UPH) has successfully won the second place in one of the competitions held by Business Law Society (BLS), the Contract Drafting and Negotiation Competition (CDNC). BLS is a prestigious business law competition held by the Law students of Universitas Indonesia (UI) on September 20-23, 2019.

The CDNC team consisted of Ridwan Khoerudin (2016), Winnie Nathalia Wenur (2016), Amadea Muljanto (2016), Fenyo Ezra Tania (2018), Nitta Kandiah (2018), and Alvin Nathanael Widjaja (2018).

This time, BLS X FH UI chose the theme ?Building the Future: Understanding Business and Construction Law in Infrastructure Development?. The theme was specifically chosen to support Indonesian law students who are expected to have high sensitivity towards legal issues which have been developing recently, especially in relation to business law.

This event was followed by 13 universities from all over Indonesia including Universitas Trisakti, President University, Universitas Katolik Atma Jaya Jakarta, Universitas Esa Unggul, Universitas Bina Nusantara, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas HKBP Nomensen, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Universitas Diponegoro, Universitas Padjajaran, Universitas Pelita Haparan, and Universitas Kristen Maranatha.

For the students of UPH Faculty of Law, competition is one of the ways for them to learn meaningful new things outside the campus. This was admitted by Ridwan and his team. He said that this competition can expand their knowledge about the constantly developing world of law.

?Regarding the knowledge we need, in the legal field we have to own a broad perspective because the case we will face are constantly developing. This includes the prioritized issues that may change each year. This constant change means that we have to understand the case immediately,? said Ridwan Khoeruddin.

Moreover, for Ridwan and his team, the competition enables them to learn about the work process and the twist and turns of a lawyer when they are drafting a contract.

Aside from CDNC, there are other categories in the competition such as Legal Opinion Competition (LOC) and Battle of the Brain (BoB). Specifically, CDNC and LOC consisted of two rounds: First, the elimination round – which consisted of contract files and legal opinions submission, with a working period from July 5 to August 15, 2019; Secondly, the final round ? for those who passed the elimination round (filing). For the LOC, UPH Faculty of Law?s delegation, Celine Tangnandez Wijaya (2018) also got to the final round and has competed with delegations from other universities.

This competition surely has a rigorous assessment process with its competent panel, consisted of people who are very experienced in the business law field. The panel consisted of Bagus Aditya ? a practitioner from Lubis Ganie Surowidjojo (LGS) Law Firm, Muhammad Muslim – Senior Associate Ali Budiardjo, Nugroho, Reksodiputro (ABNR) Counsellors at Law, and Nur Eka Pradata – Senior Associate Soemadipradja & Taher (S&T) Advocates.
According to all the assessments of the CDNC, UPH Faculty of Law has successfully won the second place with Universitas Padjadjaran in the first place, and Universitas Gadjah Mada in the third place. For the LOC, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan won the first place, while Universitas Katolik Atma Jaya Jakarta came in the second place, and Universitas Katolik Atma Jaya Jakarta in the third place.

Through this achievement, UPH Faculty of Law felt really grateful for all the support that has been given to them. Specifically, the team stated that this achievement could not be obtained without the support of their seniors, alumni, and the lecturers who have constantly encouraged them to keep growing and train their intellectual skills through this kind of competitions. (na/mt)