Family Medicine Specialists: Frontliners in Enhancing Primary Healthcare Quality.
The term Family Medicine and Primary Care Specialist Doctor Education Program (PPDS KKLP) may still be unfamiliar to the public, and many believe that KKLP specialists have a role similar to general practitioners. However, in practice, KKLP specialists play a crucial role in providing comprehensive care to individuals and families, thereby enhancing the overall health of the community.
According to data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health (Kemenkes RI), there are currently only 46,200 medical specialists in Indonesia, leaving a gap of approximately 31,481 specialists needed to meet the population’s healthcare demands, including the need for KKLP specialists. This signifies a significant demand for the profession, and their presence is expected to bolster comprehensive public healthcare services.
So, what exactly is the specialization of KKLP, and what are its roles? To gain a better understanding of the KKLP specialization, Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH), as one of the first private universities to offer the Family Medicine and Primary Care Specialist Doctor Education Program (PPDS KKLP), organized a webinar titled ‘Getting to Know KKLP Specialists’ on Saturday, July 15, 2023. The webinar featured three KKLP specialist doctors, namely Dr. Marshell Timotius Handoko, Sp. KKLP, a faculty member of the Faculty of Medicine (FK) at UPH, along with Dr. Indrawan Adhitomo, M. Kes., Sp. KKLP, and Dr. Maria Selvester Thadeus, M. Biomed., Sp. KKLP, as speakers.
What is the KKLP Specialist Program?
The KKLP Specialist Program is not a new profession in the medical field. Advanced countries such as the United States, Australia, and neighboring countries like Malaysia and the Philippines have similar specialization programs known as Family Doctors or General Practice Specialists.
KKLP specialists play a vital role in providing primary healthcare services to patients. They are responsible for offering continuous care, making medical diagnoses, providing treatment, offering support, and communicating information about prevention, diagnosis, treatment, health education, early disease detection, preventive therapy, and behavior modification to patients.
Dr. Maria Selvester Thadeus explained, “Family Medicine has been established in Indonesia for 40 to 50 years under the name of Primary Care Doctor (Doktor Layanan Primer). However, in 2021, the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) initiated a transformation in primary care services that emphasizes preventive measures, health infrastructure development, and the enhancement of Human Resources quality.”
In the future, KKLP specialists will be the primary specialists working in primary care. Primary care serves as the first level of healthcare provided by medical professionals to patients and forms the foundation of a comprehensive healthcare system. As the frontline of healthcare services, primary care units need to be strengthened.
What is studied in the PPDS KKLP?
In the PPDS KKLP, the students will also delve into all the bio-psycho-socio-cultural-economic aspects that influence an individual in addition to the regular medical sciences. Dr. Indrawan Adhitomo explains, “As KKLP specialists, we don’t just focus on a patient’s illness but take into account all aspects of their health, including their family, community, environment, and lifestyle.”
Moreover, he highlights that the content studied in the KKLP Specialist Doctor Education Program differs from that studied by general practitioners. This comprehensive knowledge equips KKLP specialists to provide integrated care in a primary care setting. The duration of the KKLP specialization program is 7 semesters, approximately 3.5 years.
What Sets KKLP Specialists Apart from General Practitioners?
Compared to general practitioners, KKLP specialists possess a broader range of specialized skills regulated under the Indonesian Medical Council Regulation No. 65 of 2019.
Dr. Indrawan Adhitomo discovered various aspects that are often overlooked by general practitioners after becoming a KKLP specialist. “One of the most significant changes I experienced during KKLP education is a shift in mindset. I learned to see patients as complex individuals, not just as individuals with illnesses or organs, but also to understand the complexity of their background and psychological aspects,” said Dr. Indrawan.
Unlike general practitioners, KKLP specialists not only treat the disease itself but also take into consideration and utilize the roles of the patient’s family, community, society, and environment in their recovery.
“The result is an enhancement in patient satisfaction and improved recovery rates. Additionally, from a financial standpoint, it becomes more effective and efficient. Why? Because we take a comprehensive approach to patient care. For instance, if a patient comes with a cough complaint, they might receive cough medicine. A week later, if they return with a fever complaint, they could be given fever medicine. This approach can lead to inefficiency and increased costs, as they must keep returning for different medications. In contrast, our KKLP specialists take a holistic approach. We search for the root cause of the cough and provide preventive medicine to avoid the fever from occurring,” explained Dr. Indrawan.
Based on his experience, Dr. Indrawan frequently encounters cases where his patients lack understanding and knowledge about preventive measures against chronic diseases. For example, one of his patients came with shortness of breath and was obese. After conducting a thorough examination, Dr. Indrawan realized that the patient had difficulty breathing and was at risk of a heart attack.
“After further investigation, it became evident that the entire family was experiencing obesity. The mother held the belief that being overweight equates to being healthy. However, this understanding is completely incorrect. After assessing their lifestyle, diet, and conducting a heart examination, we discovered that this patient not only experiences shortness of breath but also faces an increased risk of a heart attack in the future. Therefore, the role of a KKLP specialist is crucial in providing education and preventive measures,” expressed Dr. Indrawan.
According to him, as a KKLP specialist, patience, precision, and specific techniques are required to gain the trust and openness of patients. KKLP specialists also need to possess excellent communication skills to provide comfort to patients and ensure that the conveyed information is clear and comprehensive.