Officially Inaugurated UPH Alumni Association Board for 2023-2028 Term: Committed to Serve and Strengthen Relations.

“Let us continue to uphold and nurture the values instilled in us as UPH alumni. Together, we can create a sustainable impact, foster positive collaborations, generate ample job opportunities, and make meaningful contributions to the welfare of our society and nation,” stated Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia, during the inauguration ceremony of the Universitas Pelita Harapan Alumni Association (IKA UPH).

In a recorded video message, Dr. Sandiaga, an alumnus of UPH Management Doctoral Program class of 2020, expressed his aspirations for IKA UPH to become a productive platform for sharing experiences, knowledge, and opportunities for cooperation across various fields. This collective effort aims to enhance the quality of human resources (SDM) in Indonesia.

To cultivate successful SDM in the digital era and foster the development of outstanding leaders, various approaches can be pursued, such as building relationships, fostering collaborations, and strengthening global partnerships with educational institutions and industries. Alumni play a vital role in these efforts, as they have completed their education at schools or universities.

Aligned with these goals, UPH remains committed to producing graduates who are motivated to serve God, the nation, and their fellow citizens. In support of this commitment, UPH conducted the inauguration ceremony for the IKA UPH board for the 2023-2028 term at UPH Lippo Village Campus in Tangerang on Wednesday, June 21, 2023.

The event was attended by UPH Rector Dr. (Hon) Ir. Jonathan L. Parapak, M.Eng.Sc., UPH Associate Provost for Student Development Andry M. Panjaitan, S.T., M.T., CPHCM, UPH Associate Provost for Faith and Learning Integration Hendra Thamrindinata, S.Si., M.Div., M.A. (Th.), Ph.D. (Cand.), as well as faculty representatives.

In his speech, UPH Rector conveyed his appreciation for the board members. “We are grateful, and I hope that all of you will actively participate as members of the UPH family in becoming a blessing to our nation,” said Jonathan.

Dr. Stefanie Hartanto, S.H., M.Kn., the Chairperson of IKA UPH, also addressed the audience. She expressed her appreciation for the commitment shown by the IKA UPH board members in dedicating their time to provide services. The IKA UPH board for the 2023-2028 term consists of representatives from nine faculties, namely Science and Technology, Education, Medicine, Nursing, Computer Science, Economics and Business, Law, Social and Political Science, and Tourism.

During the event, Stefanie explained the organizational structure of IKA UPH, which encompasses five divisions:

Internal relations division, which focuses on strengthening solidarity, cooperation, and empowerment among alumni.

Business relations division, which establishes the UPH Business Club as a platform for UPH alumni to collaborate with alumni from other universities.

Legal and organizational division. which works in collaboration with the Program Study Alumni Association (IKA Prodi) and UPH student organizations.

External relations division, which is responsible for establishing collaborations with the government, institutions, and other university alumni associations (IKA). Currently, this division is exploring partnerships with the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag).

Education division, which focuses on serving the community through activities such as training, webinars, seminars, workshops, guest lectures, and collaborations with UPH research teams.

Stefanie also shared an overview IKA key program, including the establishment of a UPH alumni database platform, organizing weekly activities such as sports, culinary, and business events, monthly activities such as seminars, workshops, training sessions, mentoring programs, charity events, and blood donations. Additionally, they will also participate in UPH annual events such as UPH Festival, Career Expo, Scholarship Opportunities, as well as alumni and Student Leader Gatherings.

Congratulatory messages were also extended by Iqbal Farabi, Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) Chairperson of the Permanent Commission for National Development for the 2021-2026 period. “With the inauguration of the IKA UPH board, may it mark a more effective and measurable beginning in organizing all UPH alumni in their work and various other services,” added Iqbal.

Congratulations to the newly inaugurated IKA UPH board for the 2023-2028 term:

Chairperson: Dr. Stefanie Hartanto, S.H., M.Kn.

Vice Chairperson: Hans Perdana Tjahja, S.T.

Secretary: Timothy J. Inkiriwang, S.H.

Treasurer: Kenny Junius Wahyudi, S.E., BKP

Internal Relations Division

Vice Chairperson: Dr. Elang Kusumo, S.H., M.Par., CHE


Ribka Oyong, S.Sos.

Hartley Julius Taslim, S.Pd.

Chandra Wijaya, S.T., M.M.

Ns. Kinanthi Lebdawicaksaputri, S.Kep.

Farrij Rizki Abdurrahman, S.Tr.Par.

Vern Felicia, S.Tr.Par.

Annastasia Jessica Wirya, S.Tr.Par.

Jonathan Christopher, S.Tr.Par.

External Relations Division

Vice Chairperson: Abhiram Singh Yadav, M.Sos.


Calandra Alencia Haryani, S.E., S.SI., M.T.I.

Dr. Natalia Maria C, SpB.

William, S.Ikom., M.StratComm.

Lusia Novita Sari, S.Sos., M.S.G.A.

Dr. Ida Sumarsih, S.H., M.Kn.

Airien Noviyanti, S.Sos., M.M.

Business Relations Division

Vice Chairperson: Virgo Riand, S.T


Iron Wesly, S.M.

Karmela Christy S, S.E.

Education Division

Vice Chairperson: Ferry Vincenttius Ferdinand, S.Si., S.Inf., M.M., M.Pd.


Dr. Laurence, M.T.

Dr. Ir. Dewi S Wuisan., M.M.

Christopher Nata, S.T., M.M.

Erga Kandly Panginan, S.Kom., M.Ikom.

Legal and Organizational Affairs Division

Vice Chairperson: Dr. Ferry Ricardo, S.E., S.H., MTIC.


Rendy Kailimang, S.H., M.H.

Muhammad Y. Louis Ramli, S.H.

Catherine Susantio, S.H., M.M, M.Kn.

Oskar Padang Adityo, S.H., M.Sc., LL.M.

Arnold Slamet, S.H.

Erdick Darryl, S.H.