UPH Strengthen Relations with Industry Partners and Provide Career Opportunities for Students through Company Gathering.

Collaboration between higher education institutions and industries is crucial for developing excellent human resources. The knowledge and skills generated by universities can lead to innovations that can be applied in the industrial world. On the other hand, industries can support universities through research and knowledge sharing, as well as sustainable human resource development.?
Since 2020, President Joko Widodo has emphasized at the Indonesian Rector Forum Conference that universities should facilitate student learning from practitioners and industry players. This is necessary to ensure that every graduate possesses relevant skills and can face various disruptions.?
In support of the government’s efforts, Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) as a higher education institution consistently strives to produce excellent graduates who are ready to contribute to the industry. Therefore, UPH Career Center and Corporate Relations (CCCR) organized a Company Gathering on June 14, 2023, at UPH Lippo Village Campus in Tangerang. The event was attended by leaders and Human Resource representatives from more than 55 partner companies of UPH from various business sectors. This activity aims to build stronger relationships between UPH and industry partners, explore potential collaboration opportunities, as well as provide opportunities for the younger generations to contribute to the workforce.?
In conjunction with this event, UPH’s CCCR also signed cooperation agreements with five companies, namely PT Nusa Satu Inti Artha (DOKU), PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk., PT Astra Sedaya Finance (ACC), PT Prodia Widyahusada Tbk., and PT Indomarco Prismatama (Indomaret Group). These collaborations cover career development, internship opportunities for students, job opportunities for alumni, the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program, as well as research and community service (PKM). Moreover, this collaboration is also one of UPH’s efforts to implement Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 68 of 2022 on vocational education collaboration with the business and industrial sectors (DUDI).?
UPH Rector Dr. (Hon) Jonathan L. Parapak, M.Eng., Sc., stated in his speech that the collaboration not only aims to advance the industry and educational institutions but also advances the nation and fosters the next generation?s leaders. The Rector emphasized that this partnership also proves that UPH provides extensive opportunities to collaborate with companies, universities, and institutions both domestically and internationally.?
“The collaboration between companies and the education institutions is crucial because it is where the future generation is prepared,” said the UPH Rector.?
UPH VP for Marketing and Growth Binsar Pandiangan, expressed his hope that the established partnerships would enhance the students’ competencies and prepare them to face future work challenges. “Collaboration is necessary to create a healthier ecosystem by bridging the academic and industrial worlds. Students’ achievements would mean nothing without industry support,” Binsar stated.?
Moreover, DOKU Chief Executive Officer Chris Yeo, stated that they aim to cultivate an entrepreneurial spirit among UPH students and alumni through collaboration. DOKU will serve as a mentor to support the entrepreneurship movement at UPH through SparkLabs Incubation. Additionally, DOKU also provides opportunities for students to gain work experience in the payment technology company.?
“We have a vision to provide learning opportunities for anyone. We will also share our experiences to broaden students’ global perspectives by bringing in guest lecturers, and at the same time, nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit,” said Chris.?
In addition to signing cooperation agreements, UPH also handed three awards to its partner as The Most Engaging Company, namely PT Bank Central Asia Tbk, PwC Indonesia, and PT Mitra Adiperkasa, Tbk. PwC Indonesia Human Capital Strategy Leader Ricky Sucitra expressed his appreciation for the award. The collaboration between UPH and PwC Indonesia includes various activities, such as campus roadshows, campus visits, and providing high-quality guest speakers.?
During the event, a talk show session with the theme “Multi-Generation at Workplace: Challenges & Benefits” was also held. Korn Ferry Associate Client Partner Abdi Utama and DANA Indonesia Chief People of Corporate Strategy Agustina Samara were present as speakers.?
Abdi Utama explained that the current workforce consists of people from different generations, including baby boomers, Generation X, Y or millennials, and Generation Z. According to him, this condition poses a challenge because each generation has different mindsets. He gave an example that Generation Z is often judged as not willing to go through the process.??
According to Abdi, such intergenerational biases can hinder collaboration in the workplace. Abdi hopes that companies would build a collaborative culture that no longer harbors biases toward a particular generation, respects boundaries, and recognizes the importance of well-being. Meanwhile, Agustina explained that every individual is shaped by upbringing, culture, and communication. She believes that the multi-generations working community must understand these three aspects to create a positive work environment.?
The Corporate Gathering organized by UPH’s CCCR serves as a platform for companies to learn from each other, exchange ideas, and provide opportunities for the younger generation to excel in the workplace. UPH’s collaboration with corporate partners demonstrates UPH’s continuous efforts to prepare its students for their dream careers.?