Recognized for Excellence, UPH Received Two Awards at RAKORDA LLDIKTI Region III.

Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) received two awards at the Regional Coordination Meeting (RAKORDA) of the Higher Education Services Institution (LLDIKTI) Region III 2023, with the theme ‘Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka: Bold and Meaningful Breakthroughs? (MBKM:Terobosan Berani Yang Penuh Arti). UPH was awarded as the Private Higher Education Institution with the Highest Number of National Student Achievements in 2023 and for 100% Compliance in Reporting to the Higher Education Data Center (PDDIKTI) until Even Semester 2022. RAKORDA LLDIKTI Region III was held on 21 March 2023, at the Bina Sarana Informatika (BSI) Convex Building, Bekasi Campus.?

A total of 288 awards for 14 categories were given to private higher education institutions within LLDIKTI Region III. Dr. Ir. Paristiyanti Nurwardani, M.P., Head of LLDIKTI Region III, explained that these awards are meant as a form of appreciation for all private higher education institutions under LLDIKTI Region III that have worked hard to provide the best quality education for students in Indonesia. She commended the commitment of PTS to achieving the highest standards and contributing to the transformation of higher education through the MBKM program.?

“We extend our utmost gratitude to private higher education institutions that consistently provide quality education and contribute to the transformation of higher education through the MBKM program. At LLDIKTI Region III, we continue to encourage universities to produce graduates who can make real contributions to businesses and industry, by continuously improving quality based on the Key Performance Indicators (IKU) of Higher Education and MBKM policies,” she explained.?

UPH was represented by Eric Jobiliong, Ph.D., Associate Provost for Academic and Innovation in receiving the awards.?

“First and foremost, we are grateful to God for our achievements and would like to thank LLDIKTI Region III for this recognition. We also appreciate all parties involved, including the study programs and the lecturers who have prepared students to excel both nationally and internationally, as well as UPH supporting units and lecturers who have been very diligent in reporting to PDDIKTI, resulting in achieving 100% compliance,” said Eric.?

Furthermore, he hopes that in the future, UPH students will continue to be motivated to achieve excellence in various fields. He also reiterated UPH?s commitment to consistently supporting students in reaching their full potential. “We hope that UPH students can achieve even more in the coming years,” he expressed.?

Here are some national achievements that have been accomplished by UPH students during the 2022-2023 period:?

  • UPH Faculty of Law: 1st Place in the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition (ILMCC) 2023, National Rounds.?
  • UPH Pharmacy: 1st Place in the Pharmaceutical Industry Case Study (PICS) category – Pharmanova ITB 2023.?
  • UPH International Relations: 3rd Place in the Presentation of Scientific Papers at the National Meeting of International Relations Students (PNM-HI) throughout Indonesia 2022.?

These LLDIKTI awards have proven that UPH has provided excellent education for the students to prepare them to become future leaders. UPH is committed to advancing education in Indonesia through active participation in various innovative programs of the Indonesian Ministry of Education. Join UPH now! For more information, contact the Student Consultant at 0811-1709-901 or register here.?