UPH Opens Vaccine Center for the Public and Students to Support the Government?s ?Herd Immunity? Program.

Jakarta, June 15, 2021 ? As part of fulfilling the Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi (Three Pillars of Higher Education), Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) supports the government?s ?Herd Immunity? program by opening a vaccine center for both the public and UPH?s students. Located on the second floor of Pluit Village Jl. Pluit Indah No 12, Pluit, Kecamatan Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara, the vaccine center will be open from June 17 to June 26, 2021 (except Sunday, June 20, 2021) from 9am to 4pm WIB.

In order to be vaccinated, an individual must meet the following requirements:

1. At least 18 years old

2. Have never received the ?gotong royong? vaccine

3. Have registered online

4. UPH students must bring their smartcard

UPH provides two modes of registration to organize appointments for UPH students and the public and prevent overcrowding at the vaccine center. The public can register through bit.ly/sentravaksinuphumum, while UPH students can register through bit.ly/vaksinasimahasiswauph. Registrants can choose the vaccination appointment date they want based on availability. After receiving a confirmation, they can then get vaccinated on the assigned date.

UPH?s Rector, DR. (H.C) Jonathan L. Parapak, M.Eng.Sc. is confident that the program will be well-received by the public. ?UPH sees a need for a vaccine center, especially for individuals who are non-Jabodetabek KTP (national identity cards) holders but work in the Jabodetabek area. This requires the cooperation of all institutions, not just the government. Hence, UPH aims to assist the government?s program and we are grateful for the opening of UPH?s vaccine center, as it allows more people to get vaccinated.?

Moreover, Stephanie Riady, B.A., M.Ed., the Executive Director of the Pelita Harapan Educational Foundation explains, ?UPH has adopted a theme of Impact Lives, which indicates a commitment to positive impact. This program is a testament of UPH?s prioritization of the health and safety of the education community as well as the broader public during the pandemic. As an educational institution, UPH is ready to aid the National Covid-19 Vaccine Movement in order to speed up the 1 year ?herd immunity? target from the government.?

UPH?s vaccine centers follow strict health protocols, including regular disinfection.