UPH Generates More Than 150 Researches with 1.8 billion Grant from Dikti in 2020.

In 2020, Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) faculty members have deployed 1.8 billion Rupiah of research grants from the Directorate General of Higher Education (Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi/Dirjen DIKTI). The funds were used to generate 150 studies that have been published in various journals and Scopus-indexed proceedings (a library database containing abstracts and citations for academic journal articles).
For the upcoming 2021 year, Dikti is accepting applications for research grants and social responsibility (pengabdian kepada masyarakat/PKM). This is a competitive process, which involves the assessment of the researchers? track record and close evaluation by nationally certified reviewers.
“Research and Social Responsibility Institute (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat-LPPM) UPH, has become part of a main LPPM cluster that can submit proposals for decentralized research grants, with a focus on the following fields: Health / Life Science, Advanced Materials, Engineering and Industrial Technology 4.0, Business and innovation, Education & character development, Religiosity & Well-being, to Socio-Culture, Law, Design, and Sustainable Cities,? explained Dr. -Ing. Ihan Martoyo, ST., MSc., MTS., Head of LPPM UPH.
The emphasis on these topics provides opportunities for many researchers to actively contribute to the respective fields while developing a coherent and unifying focus on all research activities at UPH. Additionally, through the proliferation of these researches, UPH can take a more significant role in cultivating research talent within Indonesia, particularly in the healthcare sector, which can lead to higher quality of life and improved welfare for the entire nation.
In addition to Dikti grants, UPH also funds research, PKM, publications/seminars, and various scientific reports. UPH encourages the active role of lecturers and researchers to produce significant researches and the best quality of education for students like you! So what are you waiting for? Join now by applying for the ?100 Billion Scholarship (Beasiswa 100 Miliar)? program. For further information, please contact 0811-1632-838 (Student Consultant) or go to one.uph.edu.