UPH Actuarial and Applied Mathematics Received Advanced Curriculum Recognition from the Society of Actuaries.

Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) Actuarial and Applied Mathematics Study Program has received international recognition by obtaining Advanced Curriculum certification, joining in the list of Universities and Colleges with Actuarial Programs (UCAP) as one of the universities with the best Actuarial Department in the world as published by Society of Actuaries (SOA). This recognition made UPH as the only university in Indonesia to be listed in the UCAP SOA list. This means that UPH Mathematics students can take their scores as transition credits to register for the SOA Validation by Educational Experience (VEE) accreditation exam.
UPH Mathematics students can also practice their knowledge and explore the latest actuarial applications on the field through collaborations with leading organizations in the actuarial world such as the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFOA).
SOA was founded in 1949, as the largest professional actuarial organization in the world and has more than 30,000 members worldwide. Meanwhile, UCAP is a recognition list containing names of universities and colleges that have actuarial programs according to SOA standards.
To get the UCAP-Advanced Curriculum Recognition, UPH has met the requirements set by SOA, including having several courses that are equivalent to a minimum of 4 SOA professional exams, and courses meeting VEE qualifications from SOA, namely VEE Accounting & Finance, VEE Economics, and VEE Mathematical Statistics.
Kie Van Ivanky Saputra, S.Si., Ph.D., the Head of Study Program of UPH Actuarial and Applied Mathematics explained, “UPH have courses that support and prepare students to take the SOA actuarial exam, including Financial Mathematics Exam (FM), Exam Investment & Financial Markets (IFM), Exam Long-Term Actuarial Mathematics (LTAM), Exam Probability (P), and Exam Short-Term Actuarial Mathematics (STAM). The UPH Actuarial and Applied Mathematics is determined to achieve the highest recognition from SOA to a university, namely as Centers of Actuarial Excellence (CAE) in the future.”
Through this certification, UPH will have the opportunity to obtain resources and funding from the UCAP SOA project and use the SOA platform to increase UPH’s international visibility. UPH was also recommended by UCAP as the best choice for prospective students who are interested in actuarial programs with world-class quality.
“In other words, UPH is recognized as a university that can provide actuarial education in accordance with SOA standard. We hope that there will be many good opportunities for current students and those who are coming to study in Mathematics Study Program,? said Ivanky.
The UPH Actuarial and Applied Mathematics Study Program was established in 2005 with a full commitment to having an excellent education, sustained by a vision to develop an up-to-date discipline that is esteemed nationally and internationally. The UPH Actuarial and Applied Mathematics Lecturers? researches include Financial Mathematics, Actuarial Science, Applied Mathematics, and Mathematics and Statistics Education.
With this achievement, prospective UPH students can certainly enjoy an excellent education and have an international network through the best education in the Actuarial field. For grade 12 high school students who aspire to become actuaries, you can continue your study in UPH Actuarial and Applied Mathematics Study Program by taking advantage of the ‘100 Billion Scholarship’ opportunity for the 2021/2022 Academic Year. For further information, please contact UPH Student Consultant at 08111632838.
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