UPH Medan Provides Online Consultation for Parents and Prospective Students.

Staying connected during the stay at home period is a commitment Pelita Harapan University (UPH) Medan Campus holds for future students. UPH Medan ensures that both students and parents are updated with the newest information in relation to campus, including ?#StayConnectedWithUPH? online consultation. Besides being a form of commitment to always provide the best service, this effort also becomes a support UPH Medan holds towards the government?s stay at home policy in hopes of cut Covid-19 virus spread.
This online consultation is equipped with various choices of online communication medium, all at student and parent?s choice, including by Whatsapp, Whatsapp call and Instagram?s Direct Message. Students can further complete their yang files by sending it to admissions.medan@uph.edu.
?We provide diverse range information from campus study programs, tuition fees, UPH Medan?s programs for prospective students, registration procedures and many more. If students find difficulty throughout the registration process, they can contact student consultants for help or through UPH Medan?s online consultation,? explains Arifin Fu ? UPH Medan?s Executive Director and Associate Dean.
Prospective students and parents can directly contact UPH Medan?s student consultant for online consultation according to the operational hours, from Monday-Friday at 08.30 in the morning to 17.30 in the afternoon.
All this information is also accessible through UPH Medan?s Instagram, @uphmedan. Through this communication line, both students and parents will always be able to stay connected with UPH without having to come physically, whenever and wherever you have time.
What are you waiting for? Meet us online and discuss your future education with UPH Medan?s team. Keep your spirits high during the Covid-19 pandemic through careful acts and doing the health advices given. Make sure you stay connected to secure and grow your career with UPH.