Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Nursing UPH Sent Medical Volunteers and Nurses to Siloam Hospitals.

Right now, the number of people who are infected by the COVID-19 has spiked in hospitals all around the world, including Indonesia. This current situation requires a higher amount of medical personnel, such a doctors and nurses. This situation has called the Faculty of Medicine (FK) and Faculty of Nursing (FoN) of UPH to give their contribution to this nation during this national emergency (COVID-19) by sending their students and alumni as medical volunteers and nurses.
The Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Nursing of UPH has sent medical volunteers that consisted of 40 students from the Profession Program of Medicine, 38 clinical clerkship students from the Faculty of Nursing, and alumni. Moreover, FoN UPH also planned to send their Nursing students as volunteers.
The medical volunteer?s activity has started in March 23, 2020, at Siloam Hospitals that exclusively serve COVID-19 patients such as Siloam Hospital Kelada Dua and Siloam Hospital Mampang 9 Residence. In addition to that, volunteers will also be sent to Siloam?s Public Hospital and Siloam Hospital Head Office. This volunteering activity will be continued amid the COVID-19 emergency situation in Indonesia.
These volunteers will help doctors and nurses to serve patients while minding their health and safety, as well as their capability, especially for the Profession Program students who are supervised by doctors and nurses of Siloam Hospitals.
Before they were sent, all volunteers were given a major briefing that covers COVID-19 patients treatment, universal precaution (the use of self-protection equipment), and the hospital?s operational system, by the Nursing Division of Siloam Hospitals, Ancillary Medical Affairs (AMA) unit, and the Doctors Development and Training Department of Siloam Head Office.
Prof. Dr. Dr. dr. Eka J. Wahjoepramono, Sp.BS., Ph.D. ? Dean of Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences UPH, encourages medical volunteers to work together to fight against COVID-19 and to devote themselves for humanity. He also ensures that these volunteers are working under safety procedures.
?In the Hippocratic Oath, it is mentioned that doctors should apply their life for the benefit of humanity. We are very grateful to see our alumni and students who are called to help their nation in this dire situation. Aside from helping their colleagues, this will also become an amazing opportunity for all these young doctors in facing a pandemic. Let us all pray for those who are working in the hospital,? said Beverley Wonsono, BA., MA., Director of UPH Faculty of Medicine.
Marisa Juniati Manik, a lecturer in UPH Faculty of Nursing and the coordinator of nursing volunteers, also shared her hopes, ?I am very grateful that many students are called to serve God by becoming volunteers. This pandemic is our responsibility, it is the government?s responsibility as well as the people?s. May their service be a sign of God?s presence amid this COVID-19 situation.?
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