UPH Actively Prevents Covid-19 Transmission in the Campus Environment.

Karawaci, 11 March 2020 ? The preventive measures for prevention of the spread of Covid-19 in the campus environment of Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) is actively carried out. There continues to be no confirmed cases in the UPH Community and campus activities are carried out as usual. For the rest of Even Semester, there will be no large gatherings (500 people or more). This policy was outlined in the recent circular released by the Chief Academic Officer which was socialized on March 10, 2020, to the entire UPH academic community. This policy is applied to both for academic and non-academic activities.

As Tuesday Chapel is an important agenda, it continues to be held in a different format, through live streaming or pre-recorded video, so that it can take place simultaneously in each faculty, department, and can be attended by students.

We are closely following information from the Indonesian Minister of Health, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and World Health Organization (WHO), and Siloam Hospitals. It is important that we remain ?WISE? in how we respond as a community. ?(W)ash? your hands for 20-30 seconds with soap and water or a hand sanitizer with a minimum of 60% alcohol. ?(I)f? you are not feeling well, stay at home. If you have a temperature > 37.5 C. If you have difficulty breathing, GO TO THE HOSPITAL IMMEDIATELY. ?(S)neeze’ or cough into a tissue or your elbow. ?(E)nvironment’ is to be kept clean. Disinfect surfaces, limit physical contact such as shaking hands, and avoid touching nose, eyes, and mouth.

UPH is actively conducting body temperature checks starting 3rd of March 2020 at the campus entrance. All UPH Buildings have checkpoints for body temperature and hand sanitizer at every entry and exit, as well as officers who are on standby to check body temperature. This checking is done every day during work hours and active hours of learning. For those who have a temperature lower than 37.5? C will receive a ?safe? sticker. However, if it is known that the temperature is above 37.5? C, they are advised not to come to the campus, but to do online learning or online teaching. This also applies to those who are unwell, are advised not to come to campus but to do online learning or teaching.

This preventive action is in place to ensure the safety of our students and lecturers.

UPH also recommends to all student and staff members that have travelled in the last 14 days to countries where the virus has become endemic, to remain at home for 14 days. If you experience Covid-19 symptoms, such as fever and cough, you are expected to contact DKI Jakarta Emergency 112.

UPH continues to encourage the participation of the entire academic community to be responsible in maintaining a healthy body, as well as cleaning hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer. UPH continues to encourage everyone to stay WISE and calm in handling informations and remain vigilant.

Universitas Pelita Harapan