Turnitin Asia Appreciates UPH as the most Advanced User in Indonesia.

Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) welcomed Turnitin representative, Jack Brazel, Manager Development Asia, at UPH Lippo Karawaci, on January 29, 2020. Back on January 8, 2020, Turnitin, a digital technology company from America that provides internet-based plagiarism detection service, announced that UPH was chosen as the receiver of “Global Innovation Award 2019” and thus visited UPH to hand the award directly.

During the visit, Jack Brezel acknowledged UPH for implementing a policy regarding the use of Turnitin software during the academic learning process.

“UPH is one of the most advanced Turnitin users and higher education institution in Indonesia because of their writing approach in all fields as well as their understanding of university’s role in developing students potentials,” said Jack after handing the charter to Stella Stefany, UPH’s representative and the Head of UPH Applied Communication Sciences Online Learning.

Stella admits a similar point about the benefit of Turnitin for UPH. “Significantly, this software has enhanced the quality of students’ papers. Plagiarism in more than 50% of papers has been decreased, the sameness of words in a paper decreases from 48% to 5%. Moreover, this software also increases the synergy between lecturers and students during the teaching-learning process,” said Stella.

Jack also hopes that Turnitin will be used in more universities to promote plagiarism-free teaching and learning processes for better education in Indonesia and Asia.

“I think teaching the students to think originally is very important and it seems like this aspect is one of the biggest gaps that we still find in various universities around Southeast Asia. Turnitin supports universities to ensure their students in writing their best and most original work,” said Jack.

UPH becomes the representative of all educational institutions around Asia because of its use of Turnitin since October 2018 as an additional feature in its Moodle’s  Learning Management System (LMS) and has been expanding the use of this software since 2019 to assist students and lecturers in undergraduate thesis and dissertations. Right now, UPH is the only university in Indonesia to use Turnitin thoroughly both for students and lecturers.