Commemorating its 18th Anniversary, UPH Faculty of Medicine Provides Free Cervical Cancer Service.

UPH Faculty of Medicine (FK UPH) has been committed for 18 years in the world of medical education to bear qualified and competent doctors. Not just academically, students of UPH Faculty of Medicine are encouraged to be active and contribute for the people. In order to realize those objectives, students of FK UPH held a Community Service (PKM) entitled ?Beware of Cervical Cancer? on October 26, 2019, in West Panunggangan Puskemas (also known as local health center).
?According to the Anatomy Pathology data in 2010, cervical cancer placed second among 10 other deadliest cancers in Indonesia with a total of 12.7% incidents. Because of that, FK UPH decided to organize a social service activity in the form of cervical cancer counseling and screening for the public who lived around the campus. The main goal is to raise their awareness about the danger of this disease and to detect cervical cancer in its early stages,? said dr. Andree Kurniawan Sp.Pd ? Vice Dean of Student Affairs.
This event was held as a part of the 18th Anniversary celebration of FK UPH. The event was followed by 46 married women aged 20 years and above. FK UPH team sent 1 specialist, 3 general practitioners, 13 Medical Clerkship students, and 18 students from UPH Faculty of Nursing. This event also involved 4 lecturers as the event?s hosts as well as 22 students of FK UPH.
?This event was started with a seminar entitled ?Be Cautious and Identify Cervical Cancer? which was brought by dr. Dyana Safitri Velies, Sp.OG, M.Kes., and was continued with a pap test and IVA test for 42 participants,? dr. Andree added.
This Community Service has become one of FK UPH?s real action in preparing future Indonesian doctors who are equipped with competence, acknowledged both in Indonesia and in the International world, as well as doctors who are able to glorify God?s name through their service for the community.
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