UPH Explores High School Students Potential with Infinitics 3.

As an attempt to introduce and foster High School students? interest in Mathematics, the Applied Mathematics Program of Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) held a series of mathematics workshop and competition through an event called Infinitics. This year, Infinitics has been held for the third time and was held from October 24-25, 2019, in UPH Lippo Village, Tangerang.
A total of 108 High School students from various schools joined this event. There were three categories of High School level competition that students can choose from to hone and develop their knowledge in mathematics. These categories are Mathematics Intelligence Race, Mathematical Modeling, and Mathematics Olympiad.
Mathematics Intelligence Race is a mathematics competition that prioritizes speed and accuracy in solving a mathematical problem. While Mathematical Modeling, which was followed by 21 participants divided into 7 teams, encourages participants to apply mathematics in real life. Aside from that, Mathematics Olympiad is a competition that requires participants to use mathematics concept to analyze a problem in order to measure their ability.
In this competition, participants are faced with applied mathematics problems that requires them to solve the problems with theories and concepts, and also with their understanding about its application in real life. The winners will receive cash prize, trophy, and medals. Congratulations to all the winners!
Following is the list of winners from each category:
List of Mathematics Intelligence Race Winners:
- First Place: SANTA URSULA BSD HIGH SCHOOL (Aloysius Farrel, Michael Timothy, and Gabriella Graciany Gandi)
- Second Place: SANTA LAURENSIA HIGH SCHOOL (Theophilus Joseph Wahyudi, Stephanus Darren, and Felix Kalim)
- Third Place: BINUS SCHOOL SERPONG (Fadlan Dimas Rizadha, Ricky Winarko, and Muhammad Daniel.
List of Mathematical Modeling Competition Winners:
- Winner: SPRINGFIELD HIGH SCHOOL (Alexander William Saputra, Ignatius Kevin Jusak, and Nicholas Kaneka)
- Honorable Mention: BOGOR RAYA HIGH SCHOOL (William Alexander Budiman, Andrew Wisnu, and Presley Daniel Lyandar)
List of Mathematics Olympiad Competition Winners:
- First Place: Oliverio Theophilus Nathanael ? SMAK Penabur Gading Serpong
- Second Place: Nicolas Nauli ? SMAK Penabur Kota Tangerang
- Third Place: Steven Samuel ? SMA Springfield
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