UPH’s Co-Op Education Program, Equipping Students through Real-Life Professional Work Experiences.

Co-operative education is a program designed to integrate classroom education and real-life work experiences. This program involves students, the university, and industries. Students in the program will receive a salary as compensation throughout their work period.

At UPH, this program is merged into the students’ curriculum. In the Actuarial and Applied Mathematics study program, the Co-Op education is available as an elective which will be counted as three work periods. Students can take this program between study semesters. They can work in three different companies or three different fields, which will help them discover their passions and explore the business world more extensively.

“Students can take the Co-Op program for 3-4 months in the even semester of their third year and continue in their odd and accelerated semesters of their fourth year. This way, students will get a full year of real work experience. This will familiarize students with how the business cycle works in the beginning, end, and middle of the year,” Dr. Helena Margaretha, Coordinator of the Actuarial Mathematics and Business Mathematics concentration at UPH Actuarial and Applied Mathematics, explained.

Students that take the Co-op education will have to fulfil all academic qualifications and show good character, to ensure their preparedness to work in the professional world while still maintaining academic discipline and achievements.

What sets UPH’s Co-Op education program apart is that this program is set within a holistic education framework. Students can enjoy the ultimate campus experience through many student organizations offered during their first 2.5 years in the university. This will equip students with the soft skills and character needed for the workplace and the Co-Op program.

Gradi Matthias Oktavian, a student of the Actuarial Mathematics concentration, has benefitted greatly from the Co-Op education program, which he did at PT Asuransi Adira Dinamika.

“I faced real and complex data, which is really different from what I found in class. I also had the chance to build relationships with professionals in the insurance and finance industry. I got to know a lot of people, make connections, and I still keep in touch with them until now. I also learn to become a more professional person and I learn to have integrity. At work, there is a lot of responsibility put on our shoulders. We must become professional workers that do not bring personal feelings into everything that we do. Also, I learn to have time management and be disciplined in the workplace. The environment is much unlike studying on campus, where we can be more relaxed.

Gradi then advised students to take the Co-Op program during their studying time in UPH.

“The Co-Op program will help you explore a wide array of fields. Whatever you want to know – about insurance, about your job in the future – always be curious and find answers. Don’t be afraid to try. Don’t be afraid that you’ll do something wrong. Keep on exploring, because this internship program is unique. On one hand, we can experience a high-quality work experience, but on the other, we are not yet expected to work at the level of other employees. This is a unique experience that we should take advantage of,” Gradi said, inviting students to join in on the program.

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Actuarial & Applied Mathematics UPH: Kolaborasi Matematika, Ekonomi dan Bisnis dengan Segudang Potensi!