Founders? 5K Fun Run UPH Festival 2019: Finish What You Started.

Founder ?5K Fun Run became one of the programs awaited by the new students at Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH). Different from the previous year, this time it was held in the afternoon at 16.00, on the 3rd day of UPH Festival 2019, August 16, 2019. Not only were the new students enthusiastic about taking part in this Fun Run, university leaders, faculty, staff and senior students also joined the crowd. More than 3000 participants took part in the Fun Run for 5 kilometers, around the Lippo Village complex, Karawaci, Tangerang.

This running-together activity is not just to strengthen the togetherness between the new students and the academic community. There is a meaning of the motto of the Fun Run event which is always echoed every year: Finish What You Started.

Stephen Metcalfe, MA, Director of UPH Sports and Wellness Center, when met in the field after surrounding the entire Fun Run track, explained the philosophy behind this activity.

“In my opinion, this symbolizes the commitment that we are trying to emphasize in every student’s life here – namely, completing what they have begun. Complete the targets you have started, the study you have started, the relationship you have started. Our lives can only be considered successful if we finish everything we have started,” he explained.

For UPH new students themselves, this does not mean they should be afraid to start the study and be afraid if the majors taken are not in accordance with their interests.

“Completing what you started doesn’t mean you have to continue on the wrong path. You must have a personal target or personal vision, and this is what you must achieve in life, and this is what we are trying to teach at this university,” he continued.

“This Fun Run event is a symbol of the vision that is expected of every student who is part of UPH,” Metcalfe added.

In addition, this sports activity also emphasizes how learning at UPH is not only limited to learning in the classroom, but also learning to develop themselves holistically.

“UPH students will not only study in the classroom, but will also be invited to grow physically – all parts of us are trained here,” explained UPH Rector, Dr. (Hon) Jonathan L. Parapak, M.Eng.Sc., on the sidelines of the Fun Run crowd.

The rector also emphasized that this event was an opportunity for the new students and academic community to get to know each other and establish closer relations, in order to create a sense of kinship and closeness within UPH institutions. He called on all new students to open the 5K Fun Run.

“I also participate in this event. Usually there are students who want to take pictures and I will be very happy to take pictures with them,” said the rector.

Metcalfe also commented on the rector’s emphasis on the holistic education offered by UPH. “Here, students will take sports lessons, where they will learn principles about why we should exercise. We also have very high quality facilities which will encourage students to live healthier lives and maintain their bodies even more. Also, here we have student athletes who practice selflessly every day. With this atmosphere, all students hopefully can see the importance of caring for and using their bodies as created by God,” he concluded.