The Digital World in UPH Architect's Student Perspective.

In the design process, a lot of things have to be through and the process is divided into two processes through digital and physical. This digital process is the basis for Jacky Thiodore – UPH Architecture Lecturer to discuss the digital world in an architectural perspective at the Talk Show ?Show Off? Friday on March 15, B Building 341 UPH, Lippo Karawaci Campus. It is hoped that through this Talk Show, students of the University of Pelita Harapan (UPH) Architecture Program will be more critical and understand the field of architecture in a variety of perspectives, one of them is a digital perspective.

Jacky, through this talk show, tried to provide an understanding of digital culture which is now very rapidly developing, including the architecture sector in designing a building. How the digital world is very helpful to obtain data that will be used as a basis for reference development or even other factors such as the level of dust pollution in a city.

The digital world itself is interpreted as a general description of modernization and modern devices such as computers. The digital world itself is the scope of modern society to do everything. These modern devices help in providing data so there is no need to go to the object to be studied, for example regarding the level of dust pollution in a region, but only need to sit in front of the computer and get data on the level of dust pollution wherever we want to find. So it is saving time to get the information.

Besides explaining the benefits of the digital world, Jacky also reminded UPH Architecture students to remain wise in choosing a process.
?Now we live in a native digital culture where the next 5 years who will work are children born in 2000. “This generation from birth has been very close to the digital media and they are very exposed to the internet,” said Jacky.

According to Jacky, the current tendency of students’ perspectives is very strong to always apply everything to digital media. This tendency must be balanced with critical thinking. This means that not all processes must always be digitalized, but must be sorted through the right process; whether digital or physical media.

Students grasped the benefit of the talk show. According to Joshua Alfando, UPH student, Architecture Study Program, 2017, this talk show with a focus on digital media is very important for students of Architecture. This is because when the theory is not enough, digital media can become an outline for the continuity of architectural learning.

“The content given to us is not just about digital media and its relation to architecture but it gives us a new way of dealing with a problem around us,? Joshua shared clearly.

The benefits of the talk show are also felt by Vanessa Ardelia, 2017 Architecture who acknowledges that the digital process is very easy.

“The digital process greatly facilitates us as students, especially students of architecture, how we can make a pattern in computers easily compared to manually with the help of digital media,” said Vanessa Ardelia, an UPH architect student after the talk show finished.

Through today’s exposure, the linkages and benefits of using digital processes are explained to see real conditions, such as the environment. Just name it in finding solutions to pollution. Jacky emphasized that in an environment, pollution cannot be left alone. According to Jacky, as a professional, in the field of Architecture must be able to think about this and produce a solution. With digital technology, Jacky believes the process of gathering problems and finding solutions can be more practical. Although this process can be more expensive, it can be used on a large scale.