Teknologi Laboratorium Medis – Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan UPH
Teknologi Laboratorium Medis (TLM) adalah pelayanan laboratorium kesehatan untuk mengetahui keadaan tubuh seseorang terhadap kondisi suatu penyakit dengan cara melakukan analisis terhadap cairan dan jaringan tubuh manusia. Program Studi Diploma 4 (Sarjana Terapan) TLM Universitas Pelita Harapan yang tergabung dalam Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan memberikan pendidikan terbaik bagi para mahasiswa yang berfokus pada bidang Diagnostik Molekuler, supaya dapat menghasilkan lulusan berkualitas tinggi dan unggul dalam melakukan pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat. Ahli TLM dapat membantu Dokter dalam penegakan diagnosa pasien, untuk dapat memberikan penanganan yang lebih cepat kepada pasien. Program D4 TLM UPH dapat ditempuh dalam waktu empat tahun dengan jumlah total SKS adalah 144.
Teknologi Laboratorium Medik / Medis – Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan UPH
Teknologi Laboratorium Medis (TLM) adalah pelayanan laboratorium kesehatan untuk mengetahui keadaan tubuh seseorang terhadap kondisi suatu penyakit dengan cara melakukan analisis terhadap cairan dan jaringan tubuh manusia. Program Studi Diploma 4 (Sarjana Terapan) TLM Universitas Pelita Harapan yang tergabung dalam Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan memberikan pendidikan terbaik bagi para mahasiswa yang berfokus pada bidang Diagnostik Molekuler, supaya dapat menghasilkan lulusan berkualitas tinggi dan unggul dalam melakukan pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat. Ahli TLM dapat membantu Dokter dalam penegakan diagnosa pasien, untuk dapat memberikan penanganan yang lebih cepat kepada pasien. Program D4 TLM UPH dapat ditempuh dalam waktu empat tahun dengan jumlah total SKS adalah 144.
Teknologi Laboratorium Medik / Medis (TLM) adalah pelayanan laboratorium kesehatan untuk mengetahui keadaan tubuh seseorang terhadap kondisi suatu penyakit dengan cara melakukan analisis terhadap cairan dan jaringan tubuh manusia. Program Studi Diploma 4 (Sarjana Terapan) TLM Universitas Pelita Harapan yang tergabung dalam Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan memberikan pendidikan terbaik bagi para mahasiswa yang berfokus pada bidang Diagnostik Molekuler, supaya dapat menghasilkan lulusan berkualitas tinggi dan unggul dalam melakukan pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat. Ahli TLM dapat membantu Dokter dalam penegakan diagnosa pasien, untuk dapat memberikan penanganan yang lebih cepat kepada pasien. Program D4 TLM UPH dapat ditempuh dalam waktu empat tahun dengan jumlah total SKS adalah 144.
Medical Laboratory Technology (D4).
Medical Laboratory Technology is a health laboratory service to diagnose disease through the fluids and tissues of the human body. The Diploma 4 (Applied Bachelor) Program of UPH Medical Laboratory Technology provides the best education, focusing on Molecular Diagnostics, in order to produce graduates capable of providing an excellent public health service. Medical Laboratory Technologists can assist doctors in diagnoses to fasten treatments. The D4 Program can be completed in four years with a total of 144 credits.
faculty information
Graduate Profile.
A graduate who is:
- SPECIMEN HANDLING TECHNICIAN: Planners, collectors, processors, reviewers and quality assessors of biological specimens for laboratory tests according to standardized procedures.
- SPECIMEN TESTING TECHNICIAN: Testers of biological specimens to produce precise laboratory diagnostic information based on standard operating procedures and technological developments and have the character of scholars (broad, problem-solving and innovative).
- SPECIMEN TEST RESULT VALIDATOR: Responsible for controlling and assessing the suitability of analytical specimen test results.
- SUPERVISOR: Supervisor of operational and managerial activities within the scope of laboratory services who has the character of a leader (divine character), visionary, and transformed.
- SCIENTIFIC IMPLEMENTER: Planner, research implementer, and preparation of reports and presenters of research results within the scope of medical laboratories and accessible to the academic community based on standardized methods and design rules.
What Will I Study.
You will learn things related to Medical Laboratory Technology, such as:
- Basic concepts, principles, and theories in the field of laboratory service in accordance with service standards, ethics, and legal aspects
- The theory of basic human anatomy and physiology, blood specimen collection techniques, complications of phlebotomy, handling of patients due to phlebotomy, and communication
- Theories related to medical laboratory examinations starting from pre-analytical, analytical, post-analytical stages in the fields of clinical chemistry, hematology, immunoserology, molecular biology, immunohematology, bacteriology, virology, mycology, parasitology, cytohistotechnology, and clinical toxicology from samples of blood, fluids, human body tissues using simple and automated instruments skillfully according to applicable inspection standards
- Advanced molecular biology examination theory in terms of molecular diagnostic techniques to improve the quality of laboratory examinations.
*For course details, you can see on curriculum
What Will I Become.
Here are several career choices & prospective jobs for Medical Laboratory Technology graduates:
- Work in Clinical Laboratories and Hospitals, as well as Forensic Laboratories
- Laboratory Coordinator
- Quality Control in Food and Beverage Companies or at BPOM
- Phlebotomic
- Sales Marketing and Product Application for Health Check Tools and KIT
- Research Assistant
- PCR Operator
- Research and Development Department
- Public Health Counselor
- Open your own Laboratory
Study Plan
Study Plan.
First Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Pendidikan Agama Kristen/ Dunia | 4 |
Pendidikan Pancasila | 2 |
Pengantar Laboratorium Medik | 2 |
Bahasa Inggris | 2 |
Dasar Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Promosi Kesehatan | 1 |
Epidemiologi | 1 |
Biologi Sel | 1 |
Biokimia | 1 |
Praktikum Biokimia | 1 |
Instrumentasi Laboratorium Medik | 1 |
Praktikum Instrumentasi Laboratorium Medik | 1 |
Anatomi dan Fisiologi Manusia | 1 |
Praktikum Anatomi dan Fisiologi Manusia | 2 |
Second Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Wawasan Dunia Kristen I/ Filsafat Ilmu | 4 |
Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan | 2 |
Etika Profesi dan Hukum Kesehatan | 2 |
Patofisiologi | 1 |
Imunologi Dasar | 1 |
Praktikum Imunologi Dasar | 1 |
Urinalisis dan Cairan Tubuh | 1 |
Praktikum Urinalisis dan Cairan Tubuh | 2 |
Flebotomi dan Pengelolaan Spesimen | 1 |
Praktikum Flebotomi dan Pengelolaan Spesimen | 2 |
Bakteriologi Dasar | 1 |
Praktikum Bakteriologi Dasar | 2 |
Third Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Bahasa Indonesia | 2 |
Analisis Makanan Minuman | 1 |
Praktikum Analisis Makanan Minuman | 2 |
K3 dan Patient Safety | 1 |
Praktikum K3 dan Patient Safety | 1 |
Fourth Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Wawasan Dunia Kristen II/ Sejarah Pemikiran | 4 |
Hemostasis | 1 |
Imunohematologi dan Bank Darah | 1 |
Praktikum Imunohematologi dan Bank Darah | 1 |
Helmintologi | 1 |
Praktikum Helmintologi | 1 |
Bakteriologi Klinik | 1 |
Praktikum Bakteriologi Klinik | 2 |
Hematologi I | 1 |
Praktikum Hematologi I | 2 |
Mikologi | 1 |
Praktikum Mikologi | 2 |
Kimia Analitik | 1 |
Praktikum Kimia Analitik | 1 |
Fifth Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Soft Skills | 2 |
Protozoologi | 1 |
Praktikum Protozoologi | 1 |
Hematologi II | 1 |
Praktikum Hematologi II | 2 |
Imunoserologi I | 1 |
Praktikum Imunoserologi I | 2 |
Biologi Molekuler | 1 |
Praktikum Biologi Molekuler | 2 |
Kendali Mutu Pemeriksaan Laboratorium | 1 |
Praktikum Kendali Mutu Pemeriksaan Laboratorium | 2 |
Kimia Klinik I | 1 |
Praktikum Kimia Klinik I | 2 |
Sixth Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Sitohistoteknologi | 1 |
Praktikum Sitohistoteknologi | 2 |
Toksikologi Klinik | 1 |
Praktikum Toksikologi Klinik | 2 |
Seventh Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Wawasan Dunia Kristen III/ Etika | 4 |
Technical Skills | 2 |
Kimia Klinik II | 1 |
Praktikum Kimia Klinik II | 1 |
Virologi | 1 |
Imunoserologi II | 1 |
Praktikum Imunoserologi II | 2 |
Sistem Manajemen Mutu dan Akreditasi Laboratorium | 1 |
Praktikum Sistem Manajemen Mutu dan Akreditasi Laboratorium | 1 |
Teknik Diagnostik Molekuler I | 1 |
Praktikum Teknik Diagnostik Molekuler I | 2 |
Hematologi III | 1 |
Praktikum Hematologi III | 2 |
Eighth Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Leadership dan Enterpreneurship | 2 |
Research Methodology | 1 |
Research Methodology Exercise | 2 |
Biostatistics | 1 |
Biostatistics Exercise | 2 |
Molecular Diagnostic Techniques II | 1 |
Molecular Diagnostic Techniques II Practicum | 2 |
Laboratory Result Validation | 1 |
Laboratory Result Validation Practicum | 2 |
Computer Technology and Laboratory Information Systems | 2 |
Laboratory Administration Simulation | 2 |
9th Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Field Practice | 6 |
10th Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Public Health Education and Development (PHED) | 2 |
Research Proposal | 2 |
11th Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Research and Final Thesis | 4 |
Study Fee | |
Total Study Fee | Rp87.191.000 |
*) The price covers all tuition fee during normal study period according to valid curriculum |
Our Facilities.