Our Architecture program equips students with the fundamental artistic, scientific and humanistic disciplines that are involved in the design of buildings. In addition to learning the integral technical skills of drawing and designing in 2D and 3D, students are also pushed to develop their critical and quantitative analysis skills, combining them with knowledge in the physical, social and environmental sciences. They are also exposed to the rapid progression of architectural discourses and technologies while being grounded in the fundamental architecture knowledge. Our curriculum provides a broad educational base and pre-professional competency sufficient for entry-level employment in the architecture and design fields, as well as prepares the undergraduate for graduate studies.
faculty informationlecturer-student ratio for year 1 and year 2 indicates learning process quality, ensuring the output of their design in each studio.
lecturer-student ratio for year 3 and year 4 indicates learning process quality, ensuring the output of their design in each studio.
Graduate Profile.
Producing Architecture Graduate as:
- Individual who is creative and responsive to technological developments and skilled in applying architectural knowledge in academics and industry.
- A professional, critical, and independent leader who carries out the role and profession of an architect in the future.
- An individual who understands the responsibility and ethics to develop innovative ideas that have an impact on society.
What Will I Study.
You will learn things related to architecture, such as:
- Utility system for a building
- Contemporary architecture theory
- Modern architecture theory
- Building structure system
- Passive and artificial design planning
- Introduction to architecture of a city
- Computer-based simulation and design methods
- Basics of architecture professionalism
- Introduction to city design
- Building material and construction
*For course details, you can see on curriculum
What Will I Become.
Here are several career choices & prospective jobs for Architecture graduates:
- Architect: career paths include Assistant Architect, Junior Architect, Senior Architect
- Room and Built Environment Researcher
It All Begins Here.
Beragam pencapaian yang saya raih, semuanya ini merupakan realisasi dari yang saya pelajari saat berkuliah di UPH.
Yogi Ferdinand
Sistem pembelajaran UPH mendorong saya untuk berpikir out of the box, selalu mencoba hal yang berbeda.
Leo Einstein Franciscus
Study Plan
Study Plan.
1st Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Soft Skills | 2 |
Kepemimpinan dan Kewirausahaan | 2 |
Studio Riset Arsitektur 1 | 6 |
Sistem Konstruksi & Material Bangunan | 3 |
Teori Dasar Arsitektur | 3 |
Dasar Keprofesian Arsitektur | 3 |
2nd Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Pendidikan Agama Kristen / Pendidikan Agama-agama Dunia | 4 |
Bahasa Indonesia | 2 |
Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan | 2 |
Studio Desain Arsitektur 1 | 6 |
Dasar Arsitektur Digital | 3 |
Sejarah Arsitektur 1 | 3 |
3rd Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Tech Skills | 2 |
Pancasila | 2 |
4th Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Wawasan Dunia Kristen 1 / Sejarah Pemikiran | 4 |
Studio Riset Arsitektur 2 | 8 |
Produksi dan Fabrikasi Arsitektur Digital | 3 |
Sejarah Arsitektur 2 | 3 |
5th Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Wawasan Dunia Kristen 2 / Filsafat Ilmu | 4 |
Studio Desain Arsitektur 2 | 8 |
Sistem Struktur Bangunan | 3 |
Teori Arsitektur Lanjut | 3 |
6th Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Wawasan Dunia Kristen 3 / Sejarah Pemikiran | 4 |
7th Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Studio Riset Arsitektur 3 | 8 |
Sistem Utilitas Bangunan | 3 |
Simulasi dan Analisis Bangunan | 3 |
Pengantar Permukiman dan Perumahan | 3 |
Simulasi Projek Arsitektur | 3 |
8th Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Studio Desain Arsitektur 3 | 8 |
Sistem Arsitektur Berkelanjutan | 3 |
Teori dan Sejarah Arsitektur Kota | 3 |
Mata kuliah pilihan 1 | 3 |
Mata kuliah pilihan 2 | 3 |
9th Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
10th Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Studio Riset Arsitektur 4 | 8 |
Pengantar Arsitektur Kota Berkelanjutan | 3 |
Mata kuliah pilihan 3 | 3 |
Mata kuliah pilihan 4 |
11th Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Studio Desain Arsitektur 4 | 8 |
Wawasan Dunia | |
Courses | Credits |
Pendidikan Agama Kristen / Pendidikan Agama-agama Dunia | |
Logika Terapan / Critical Thinking | |
awasan Dunia Kristen 1 / Filsafat Ilmu | |
Wawasan Dunia Kristen 2 / Etika | |
Wawasan Dunia Kristen 3 / Sejarah Pemikiran |
Pengenalan Diri | |
Courses | Credits |
Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan | |
Pancasila | |
Pengantar Ilmu Alam | |
Bahasa Indonesia / BIPA | |
General English | |
Kecakapan Akademik | |
Kesehatan dan Kebugaran |
Pilihan Bidang Kajian Perancangan | |
Courses | Credits |
Desain Cahaya dalam Arsitektur | 3 |
Perancangan Lanskap | 3 |
Studi Perilaku dan Perancangan Ruang | 3 |
Pilihan Bidang Kajian Teknik & Teknologi | |
Courses | Credits |
Simulasi dan Analisis Lingkungan Perkotaan | 3 |
Teknologi Digital Inovatif | 3 |
Studi Tektonik Material | 3 |
Teknologi Tepat Guna | 3 |
Pilihan Bidang Kajian Kemanusiaan | |
Courses | Credits |
Arsitektur dan Kritik | 3 |
Arsitektur dan Representasi | 3 |
Arsitektur dan Regionalisme | 3 |
Morfologi Kota | 3 |
Arsitektur Keseharian Kota | 3 |
Pengantar Perancangan Kota | 3 |
Arsitektur Berbasis Komunitas | 3 |
Pilihan Bidang Kajian Profesi | |
Courses | Credits |
Kerja Praktik Arsitektur | 3 |
Manajemen Projek | 3 |
Ekonomi Bangunan | 3 |
Study Fee | |
Total Study Fee | Rp257.440.000 |
*) The price covers all tuition fee during normal study period according to valid curriculum |
Our Facilities.

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