Employment for Alma Maters Becomes Alumni?s Evident Contribution.

Being the owner of a company does not make Richie Wirjanm, an alumni of UPH International Relation major (2007), forget to contribute for his alma mater in Universitas Pelita Harapan. His evident contribution was shown by providing a huge opportunity of employment for UPH graduates to work in his company, Credens Strategic Planning.
?Aside from being a guest lecture and speakers in a number of event that UPH held, I want to give an evident contribution through employment. The opportunity is widely opened for UPH graduates to work at my place. When they work in Credens, I also have to play my role as their mentor; in teaching and giving them the knowledge they need about business, and also in developing their soft skills and hard skills namely, presentation skill, the skill to analyze a client?s need, and the skill to conduct a research,? said Richie.
For Richie, providing opportunities for graduates as well as the students of UPH to work in his company, and also becoming speakers in many events that UPH held, are just some of his ways to share. Richie himself feels like he has a calling to share whatever he has to whomever he can share it with.
Surely, the opportunity to work or doing an internship in his company is not limited to those who are the graduates of the Business major or the Communication Sciences students. Right now, CREDENS have three employees who are UPH graduates; they came from different backgrounds, one was a Food Technology graduate, while the other two are a Design Interior, and a Visual Communication Design graduate. The opportunity is open for those who are interested in learning.
?If you share, you are actually learning twice, thus we will understand even more when we share our knowledge with other people. Because of that, this has been my way of encouraging the young generation and the students of UPH to continue the legacy, and even exceed the achievement I have gotten until now,? said Richie.
Moreover, Richie also said that in order to be a successful person, both professional and entrepreneur, should have integrity. Both needs to have a good attitude, persistence, and respect.
Right now, Richie has become the founder and CEO of Credens Strategic Branding. Credens Strategic Branding has been running since 2013 and it is a branding consultant company that focuses in branding strategy. CREDENS has been the consultant of many industry starting from hospitality industry, up to fast-moving consumer goods industry. As he was building his company, another routine that Richie has been doing is branding workshop for those who wants to learn how to get engaged in the entrepreneurship world.
Upon becoming an entrepreneur by building Credens, Richie has previously had a number of experiences as professional. Some of his experiences includes becoming the Country Manager of the Asian Digital Garden, Director of RWHE Heavy Equipment, and many other experiences.
He shared all of his experiences enthusiastically in every occasion, including during the ?Entrepreneur vs Professional? Talk Show which was held of February 8, 2019 in UPH Lippo Village.